Chapter 8

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I haven't seen Brahms anywhere around the house ever since our argument occurred. He's not even in his room, I'm worried about him and I feel very lonely. Maybe he's behind the walls, should I go check up on him? I finally decided to go check up on him, I went inside the walls. The directions looked pretty confusing. I walked and turned left but it didn't lead me to his room so I kept making turns. The walls are so confusing now I think I'm lost in it. Finally I came across his room in the walls, I saw Brahms sleeping on his bed. I walked towards him and looked at him, my hand moved in to touch his mask but he grabbed my hand and opened his eyes.

"Y/n? What are you doing?.." he asked slightly. He sat up on his bed and rubbed his head. "I was beginning to worry about you, are you feeling okay?" I asked. He didn't answer, he just laid back down on his bed. I went and took off his mask, I put my hand on his forehead to check if he has a high fever. "Brahms! You're hot we should get you some medicine." I exclaimed.
Just as I was about to get up he grabbed my wrist and pulled me in the bed with him. I was on top of him and he looked at me without his mask, this time I could read his full expression. He looked sad, his eyes tell me that he thinks I'll never love him. His expression and eyes made me feel sad. I like Brahms but he just needs to control himself that's all, I touched his cheek gently and kissed his forehead.

"Is it okay if I get some medicine for you? You have a high fever." I asked in a soft gentle tone. He slightly nodded his head. I got up and drove to the pharmacy to get some medicines, after that I drove back. Brahms was waiting at the door I carefully walked him up to my room and let him rest there. I told him to take the pills. I gave him some water so it would be easier for him to swallow. He took the pills and went to sleep.

I decided to make him something good to eat. I made rice porridge, I brought it up to my room but he wanted me to feed him. He sat up and I slowly blew on the rice porridge and fed it to him. After he was done eating he rested. He was beginning to sweat a lot so I was unbuttoning his shirt. Suddenly I stopped and we stared into each other's eyes. This feeling, this sensation feels extraordinary in a unique lovely way. "Are you going to stall and stare at my amazing body all day?" I blushed and gathered back my senses and unbuttoned his shirt. I gave him a new clean shirt to put on. Seeing this side of him makes me feel sad.
He's at a weak state because he's sick and it makes me feel sad.

The next day I checked his temperature, he's starting to feel better which is great. He took his medicine and I made him some food to eat. I enjoy watching him because it's just like a little kid eating.

"Y/n what can I do to make you love me?" I was stopped by this question. Brahms slowly took off his shirt and I was confused why but I was smitten by his body. "It's still hot y/n can you turn on the AC?" I nodded my head and did what he asked. "Y'know you never answered my question but I'm not going to force you to. I'll just make you fall in love with me naturally. I'll try being gentle." Hearing this from him made my heart beat.

It started getting darker and I was cleaning around the house. After cleaning I took a shower in a different room. I wrapped myself in a towel and went to my room to get some clean clothes to wear, as I walked in Brahms was sitting up on the bed. He stared at me and we made eye contacts. He walked up to me and slammed his hand on the wall. "Y/n are you trying to seduce me right now?" I looked away and replied "what? no, I'm just looking for clean clothes to wear." Brahms bent down a little at my height and whispered "can I dress you?" I shoved him out of my way and searched for clothes and walked out. I could hear him laughing, he really likes teasing me. I put on my clothes and I went back inside my room where Brahms was staying. "Hey, is it okay if I could have my bed back? You're feeling better now right?" He grinned at me and I knew he wouldn't leave my bed.

I got irritated because that was my bed. "Come here" he said in authority. I walked over to the bed and got in. He begin to touch my waist and pulled me against his body. "How does it feel to love someone y/n?" I tried not to stutter and replied "it'll feel lovely if you know they love you back." "Then this feels lovely but I don't know if you love me so should this feel lovely or should this feel like you're treating me like an option?" I was shocked by this and told him "I'm sorry Brahms, there isn't anybody I like in particular, I'm sorry I made you feel like an option"
"So there really isn't anyone you like?" He asked again to make sure. I nodded my head "no of course not, I've even told you countless times." I guess he just has a way of jumping into conclusions.

Brahms begin to pull me in closer, this time my body was tight against his, his grip is so strong like he doesn't want to let me go. It's like he wants to hold on to me forever and is afraid someone might take me. He begin to lean in and suck on my neck. He then put his head on my chest and cuddled me in. It was like a child wanting to be loved by his mom.

I rubbed his head and he fell asleep on my chest.

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