Jealousy and rage

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The deliveries came in today and I went to go get them at the gates. John was there, he smiled and asked how I was doing. We talked for a bit and he asked if I wanted to go get drinks tonight. I kindly declined but he insisted. I told him that I couldn't because I didn't like being outside. "Heh, alright how about we have drinks at your house?" Said John with boldness. I was a bit taken back with that question and I told him that he could come inside when Brahms is asleep. He left and I went back inside. I gently woke Brahms up for the day. Brahms woke up and didn't say a word. He shoved me out of his room, it was pretty harsh of him but I assume he was getting dressed. I waited outside, he came out and walked down to the living room. I was confused, what's wrong with him? I didn't do anything wrong did I?
As he's resting on the couch reading his book I asked if there was anything bothering him and seeing him act this way made me a bit scared. Brahms got up and walked over to me. "Is there anybody else you like?" In his deep raspy voice. I sweat and nervously told him no. Secretly I liked him though and no one else. He seemed to be shocked by my answer his eyes looked angry, disappointed, and with a hint of sadness in them. Why can't he just tell me what's on his mind instead of asking something like that out of the blue. He threw down the book he was reading and went up to his room.

He didn't come out for the rest of the day. Time kept passing by and I saw John at the gates, I let him in but I told him to be quiet. I went up to Brahms room to check on him, he was sleeping already? And he tucked himself in. I gave him a goodnight kiss then went back downstairs. Me and John drank some wine and talked he seems like a nice guy but he doesn't interest me like how Brahms interests me. "I've been watching you for a while now y/n, you're incredibly beautiful. I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me." I was nervous by what I just heard from John. I couldn't I'm in love with someone else. I declined him but he said that it was okay and that he'll try to win my heart. Around 1:00 he was leaving. It was a long night talking to him, I walked him out of the door and he stopped midway. He looked at me and his hand rose up my cheeks. His other hand grabbed on my waist, is he pulling me in for a kiss? He slowly leaned in but I pulled away.

I told him that he should be leaving, I kind of feel bad. He finally left. I walked up to my room but when I opened my door I saw Brahms. "Brahms? Shouldn't you be in bed?" I asked. "Y/n I saw everything and heard everything. You're breaking the rules and you've made me mad." I begin to feel scared as he came walking towards me, he had me pinned against the wall. His eyes seemed very angry. "No one can touch you like that, only I can next time it happens I'll kill him" when he said that I felt mad. I tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm. "Let go" I exclaimed "but y/n I can't" said Brahms in his child-like voice. He was beginning to really make me mad.
He then dragged me onto the bed and got on top of me. "No one is allowed in this house y/n, you're breaking the rules. No guests allowed!" He yelled, I was struggling to free from his arms holding me down. My eyes begin to tear up a little "you're hurting my wrist." I said. It became quiet then he let lifted me up and carried me on his shoulders. He walked towards his room and threw me in there. He locked me in. Was he really that mad to do this? Just what is wrong with him? I guess part of it was my fault, I should've never invited John over.

The next morning he opened the door and he took my hand and pulled me out of his room. He didn't speak to me at all. We went through the regular schedule until I heard a knock at the door Brahms looked at me. I knew it was John. I went to open the door "John you shouldn't be here, just quit your job please." I told him. He brought me roses It was lovely but I couldn't accept it. I told him to never come back here, I had to be mean and stern. John seemed nervous and got mad. He threw the roses on the ground and went off. I picked the roses up and closed the door. Brahms took them from me and said "I almost killed him but he's lucky he escaped on time." I felt angry at him. I tried to walk away but he pulled my wrist and held me. "Do you like him? Do you have eyes for another man?" This question he asked made me stalled, I answered "why do you care, who I like doesn't concern you with the way you've been acting." When I said this I knew he would be furious. He squeezed my wrist then let go I expected him to make an outburst. "I understand" he said then walked away. The way he said that made me feel bad, throughout the day. I haven't seen him.
It was already time for his bed and I tried calling his name but he didn't come out from wherever he was hiding. Did I really hurt him?

I was fixing my hair then I heard him calling my name. He was at my doorway he apologized for what he's done, I told him to not worry. He asked me if there really isn't anybody I liked. I nodded my head but he seemed to look even sadder. "I do like someone but I'm not completely sure of it. I'll let you know who it is when I'm sure." I told him. His eyes seemed a bit more hopeful and he nodded his head.

He took off his mask and tank top I begin to blush although I'm confused. He walked up towards me looking down at me. "I like you y/n and I don't want you to like anybody else. If you do I'll have to kill him." He said this whole tucking himself in his bed. I think he was waiting for me to join in. Slowly I walked and got in the bed with him. He roughly pulled me against his body, I could feel the warmth of his body and his chest. My heart was racing pretty fast. I touched his face while looking at him and smiled. Before I knew it he kissed me, I was also kissing him back. It became hot between us feeling his tongue inside my mouth and our tongues touching made me feel good. He ripped off my shirt and begin sucking on my chest. I was turning hot and let out a few moans. He looked up at me and smirked, "I want you to become mine already y/n" we then both fell asleep in each other's arms.

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