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(`・ω・') warning- cussing, violence, and gore

・Y/N's pov

The ugly shriek of death resounded in everyone's ears as Enmu's neck was finally cut off. We all winced at the unbearable sound until the train was fully covered in the demon's flesh.

Tanjiro shouted in an alarming tone, "We're falling sideways! Be careful, keep the passengers safe!"

I panicked at his loud voice when we began falling off the train, the conductor who was knocked out landed at the bottom of the train where he couldn't escape as the passengers were still safe inside the vehicle, even with the amount of chaos that was currently happening.

Inosuke and I barely landed on our feet while Tanjiro landed on his back from being sore from the whole fight. I couldn't blame him, the after effect of my Seventh Form hurts like a bitch. Now I feel bad for making fun of Zenitsu when he was struck my lightning from before...

"Tanjiro!" I yelled out, catching up to the burgundy-haired boy. "Are you alright? You aren't hurt are you? Jesus christ you almost got stabbed on the stomach! Keep jumping around and you're going to die-"

"Y/N..." He coughed out dramatically, "Please promise me one thing..."

I paused my rambling, sniffing and held up his hands close to my chest, "...Yes?"

"Promise me... promise me that you won't let your inner Zenitsu out again," He muttered, he then slowly closed his eyes and made a 'bleh' sound.

"Nooo! Tanjiro wake up!" I yelled out, crying fake tears, "Tanjiro!!"

"Ew," Inosuke walked towards us and shuddered at the scene, "You guys hang out together too much, your dumb ass is literally rubbing off on Monjiro!"

I rolled my eyes while Tanjiro chuckled and stood up, dusting off the dirt and grain off his haori. I observed our surroundings a bit more to get a good look at the place. The demon we were fighting was finally gone and all was left now was Akaza's appearance, and I was not excited.

Though, I mentally congratulated myself for blocking the stab Tanjiro was going to have from that conductor since it may or may not heighten the chance for saving Rengoku in the near future.

Sighing, I got up just like Tanjiro and checked my hair with my hands, "All in all I'm glad we all went through that without suffering any major casualties, I haven't seen who the demon was... Tanjiro do you know?"

He nodded hesitantly, "It was a Lower Rank One, I believe the demon's name was Enmu. I'm also surprised how little injuries we have, only a bit of scrapes and cuts," Tanjiro then gave me a close-eyed smile, "I guess that's the effects of our training regimen, huh?"

I nodded happily and faced Inosuke, "Do you know where the others are? Like Zenitsu, Nezuko, or maybe Rengoku..."

"Impressive, impressive!" A larged voiced boomed behind us, we all swiftly looked back in alarm to see a familiar blonde-haired man who was crossing his arms and beaming with enthusiasm, "Everyone is safe in the train, there are still a lot of injured people but nothing life threatening!"

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and slightly bowed, "Thank you for the information, Rengoku-san. We appreciate it very much."

"Haha! No worries-"

Before he could finish his sentence a large flash of light radiated in front of us and shook the ground. Soon, the dust around our vicinity began to clear up, revealing a pink haired man with long eyelashes, blue markings (that almost oddly resembled as a tennis ball) across his pale skin, and the words "Upper Rank Three" etched onto his canary colored eyes.

𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙚・k. tanjiroWhere stories live. Discover now