extra・taisho secrets

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indeedy im going to make a whole chapter dedicated to taisho secrets aka headcanons so buckle up!

— Tanjiro admittedly thought that Y/N was cute when he first met her officially, he couldn't believe that Zenitsu was her twin knowing their differences.

— Zenitsu had Tanjiro in his radar ever since they went to the Wisteria House, he couldn't hear their conversation while he was sleeping but he knew they were talking so he automatically assumed they were flirting.

— Inosuke still doesn't understand the concept of romantic relationships.

— I already said this before, but Kosuke is aromatic and asexual.

— Zenitsu's love for peaches started ever since Y/N cut him some whenever he was sick or crying in his sleep from Jigoro's (barely) harsh training.

— Kaigaku had a crush on Y/N, he just wouldn't admit to it so he overdoses on fights and insults.

— When Jigoro first found Y/N and Zenitsu outside and homeless, Zenitsu was clinging onto Y/N while she apparently looked "disgusted and wanted to end her suffering" (his words not mine).

— Ever since Mitsuri and Y/N make sakura mochi together, she vowed that one day she would help Y/N perfect the recipe. Spoiler alert: that day never happened and she vented it to Obanai when the Kamaboko squad left for the train mission.

— Shinobu was actually watching Y/N the whole time when she saw her take out the spider girl, she thought her attitude was cute.

— Tanjiro was malfunctioning when Y/N kissed his cheeks, mainly because he never thought the day would come when a cute girl would make the first move.

— Rengoku thought it was weird how Y/N would confess her feelings towards Tanjiro in the middle of a festival with everyone there (even though the crowd was basically ignoring them) but at least the takoyaki was good.

— Y/N threatened to burn her previous haori because she wanted to match with Zenitsu. (Shinobu type beat)

— Ever since Y/N flipped Kanao's coin, she would roam around the hallways and "accidentally" pass by Y/N whenever she had the chance to. She wasn't sure if it was love, admiration, or maybe both.

— Aoi was secretly rooting for Y/N and Tanjiro.

— Uzui wouldn't admit it, but his self-esteem SLIGHTLY dropped when Y/N threatened to take his wives because he purely believed that she had the power to do so.

— Spoiler Alert: Kosuke is a bad person.

— Giyuu slightly favors Y/N over the others but doesn't show it, the main reason was because she made him simmered salmon with daikon that one time. She was happy when she saw Giyuu smile at the dish but at the same time Shinobu passed by, and began making a disgusted expression on her face.

— Y/N tried to find ways to visit Uzui's wives so she can try to "seduce" them and make Uzui see her as a threat (not literally of course... maybe).

— During the week where Y/N heavily trained herself until she was in the brink of passing out, Zenitsu used a stick on her cheek to check and see if she was alive or not while Tanjiro was yelling at the background saying how unsanitary that was.

— Inosuke sometimes wakes Y/N in the middle of the night to fight her.

— Gyomei genuinely thought Y/N was a pain in the ass when she begged him to train her, don't worry though he got used to it and even treated her to some street snacks.

— Y/N taught Tanjiro how to play the game "chopsticks" one day and it became their small little past time together.

— The accessories on Y/N's hair and earrings was made by herself because she wanted to be the more "cooler" twin and one up her brother.

— When Y/N pierced her ears for her thunderbolt earring she got infected on the first day of wearing the earrings which forced Jigoro to go out and buy stuff for her ears and prevent any more infections.

— The three butterfly girls look up to Y/N a lot when they saw her train constantly day and night.

— The three butterfly girls also helped Y/N cook the simmered salmon with daikon for Giyuu.

— There was one night where Y/N forced Inosuke to stay up and teach him how to say her name correctly. By the end he wasn't able to say her name and they ended up falling asleep on top of each other like a pancake.

— Tanjiro used to wonder how Inosuke and Y/N weren't related, but Zenitsu and Y/N was.

— There was a time where Y/N would cut her hair to be as short as Zenitsu's so they would look exactly alike... she promised herself to never cut her hair ever again that day.

— Y/N's previous owner of the body got shocked by the thunder too because she was climbing up trying to get Zenitsu down which ended up making her pass out and... die haha wow that took a really dark turn

— Genya usually passes by Y/N but he never goes up and talk to her because he felt slightly embarrassed that she was one of the people who saw him act like that during the last day of Final Selection.

— When Mitsuri found out Y/N and Tanjiro were officially a thing she fangirled for a whole hour straight.

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