Chapter 2

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A wolf.

I screamed again, louder this time out of fear rather than pain. The giant grey wolf narrowed its beady yellow eyes on me and growled again.

"Please don't eat me!" I screamed at the thing.

For a hot second, I almost thought it understood me. It seemed to pause and tilt its head to look at me. But that of course is insane because less than a second later it growled again and bared its teeth. It lowered itself onto its haunches and shoved his butt in the air, the typical position for my parent's cat Bernie when he was about to pounce on his favorite little feather toy. The last thing I saw before forcing my eyes shut was the wolf lunging at me. I screamed one last time, just to make sure this wolf knew exactly how unappreciative I was of its treatment and waited for the inevitable blow. But it never came.

I heard snarls, growls and thumps so I decided to open my eyes. I saw another wolf, a black one with white paws 'Awe he has socks. How cute.' on top of the grey wolf.

'Oh great. Two wolves. Even. Fucking. Better.' I took that as my cue to leave and hobbled as quickly down the trail as my injured ankle would take me. I ran for maybe ten minutes and I could no longer hear the sounds of the wolf fight I had barely escaped from. I turned to look behind me, so didn't see the man who came out of seemingly nowhere, until I ran right into him.

"Hey, miss, are you ok?" His voice was low and delicious and caused tingles in all sorts of places that were completely inappropriate for the situation I was currently in.

"You need to run! There are wolves back there and they were going to eat me!" He looked behind me, then back down at me, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have come out here lookin like a snack." He chuckled at his own joke. I narrowed my eyes at him and crossed my arms over my chest, which had the unintended consequence of pushing my boobs together and up.

The guy noticed.

"Hey! Eyes up here buddy!" I snapped my fingers in his face. That caused his eyes to snap up to my own and I think the world stopped spinning for a minute. We locked gazes and I couldn't tear my eyes from his even if I tried. They were a beautiful brown on the outside with a shade of green along the inside, almost matching the scenery of the forest around us. Eventually he cleared his throat, breaking whatever trance I was in.

"Can I help you get out of here?" He lifted his hand for me to take, which is when I suddenly realized he wasn't wearing a shirt.

"Um, why don't you have a shirt on?"

"Uh... I was hiking and got hot. It flew away on the trail somewhere." He flashed me a grin with his perfect teeth, strong nose, plump pink lips and a jawline I could cut bread with. As if that wasn't enough, he had the perfect amount of stubble and my knees weakened. Literally. Fucking. Weakened.

What fresh hell is this?

Men don't affect me. Ever. After that last asshole I promised myself I would never let a man in again. And here I am swooning over a half-naked stranger in the forest. I need a drink. No. I told my hormones to settle the fuck down and shook my head to clear my thoughts before facing the strange, yummy man again.

"No thank you. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure? That ankle looks pretty swollen." Now that he mentioned it, I turned my attention back to my ankle. There were no more sounds of wolves and the adrenaline from my escape had worn off, allowing me to feel the pain that was radiating through my foot and lower half of my leg.

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