Chapter 15

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Finn and I settle into a comfortable rhythm. He spends any time he can with me, and I am a couch potato.

It’s summer

I deserve it.

He stays with me nearly every night, only staying at his place when he has to work early in the morning. I think he wouldn’t mind staying here those nights too, but he’s trying not to overwhelm me. Which I appreciate the thought, but even though it’s like sleeping with a hibernating bear, I don’t sleep well when he’s gone.

It's one of our few nights alone and I’m sitting on the couch watching Gilmore Girls and knitting baby hats for the local hospital.

Oh God I’m an old lady.

No, I have a hot guy warming my bed almost every night. I’m not old.

This brings forth images of things Finn and I do to keep my bed warm. Actually not just warm.

Incredibly hot.

The things that man can do with his hands.

And his tongue! Oh God his tongue.

Anyway, Luke and Lorelei are about to FINALLY kiss, when I hear a weird thunk from outside. I pause the show and sit quietly, thinking maybe it was just my imagination. Then there’s another thunk and I feel my heart rate speed up. I stand up and look out my windows, but I don’t see anything suspicious.

Another thunk.

Me pre-Finn would go outside with a baseball bat and investigate.

Me post-Finn is going to let the hot guy do the work.

I call him up and try to still my shaking hands.

“Hey, babe what’s up? Miss me already?” He asks cheerfully.

“Um, sorry to bother you but…” Right about here is where I lose my nerve and start to think about where my baseball bat might be.

 “Calli, what’s wrong?” He asks, his voice losing all humor.

“I heard some weird sounds outside and it’s just kind of creeping me out. I’m not sure what I should do.” I say trying to keep my voice steady.

“Stay inside and lock the doors. I’m on my way.” He says and hangs up.

I already know the doors are locked, but I double check them as well as the windows, just for good measure. I sit and wait for what feels like hours, but is actually only twenty minutes, when I hear Finn’s truck pull up. I watch through the window as he and another guy walk quietly around the perimeter of my house. I see the motion sensor light turn on by my back porch, so I walk through the kitchen to my back door. Before I reach it, there’s a knock on the door. I look out and see Finn, so I unlock the door and open it.

“Well, we found the intruder.” He says proudly. He flips the lid open on my trash can and a little racoon hisses at him from the bottom.

“Damn trash panda!” I yell at the creature as Finn carries it towards the edge of the yard and flips it over, allowing the small thing to scamper away.

“I’m so sorry, thank you for coming all the way here.” I say. Finn comes up and hugs me tightly before kissing my cheek.

“Of course, sweetheart. Anytime. By the way, this is my friend Ian.” He says pointing to a large, muscular man. His biceps on prominent display in his tank top. His blonde curly hair and blue eyes give him a boyish look, but his muscles make him look downright dangerous.

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