Chapter 26

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The next couple of weeks, Calli and I fell into a pattern of bliss. I trained and patrolled during the day, she helped Layla and Penny get ready for the upcoming school year, and we spent every night together. I could tell it was hard for her, leaving her other job and packing up her classroom. She came home that night a little sad and withdrawn, but when she started discussing changes she wanted to make at the pack school there was a sparkle in her eyes that made my heart swell. She asked Ian and I to go to the new student orientation she’s holding, knowing how excited the kids would be to see their Alpha and Beta. We couldn’t wait to see the little tikes, but we had a long day of training first.

I had just arrived at the training circles when Dean, a younger wolf bounded over to Cam and I.

“So what’s it like being mated to humans?” he asks us, genuinely curious. I shrug while Cam growls a little at the perceived slight to his mate.

“I don’t mean anything bad by it, I’m just wondering.” Dean clarifies.

“I’ve never been mated to a wolf, so I don’t know the difference.” I say honestly. “I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything.” Cam nods in agreement when Alex speaks up.

“Well, one main difference is we get to fuck in wolf form.” He laughs while other guys fist bump him. I cringe a little at the thought of mating in wolf form.

“Does that sound weird to you, or is it just me?” I murmur to Cam and look at him. He has a pinched look on his face and shakes his head.

“Nah, man that sounds gross as fuck.” He whispers back and we both chuckle.

‘What about you, Titan? You wish Calli had a wolf?’ I ask him. He puffs out his chest and snarls.

‘Mate is perfect the way she is. Kill those fuckers for questioning her.’ I chuckle at him and push him down a little.

I knew he would never feel anything but love and loyalty for Calli. He’s a lovesick pup.

But so am I so who am I to complain?

 Cam and I lead training with no issues and hit the showers before I head to meet Calli and go to the school. I’m scrubbing myself down when I realize the soap has a weird smell. I look at the label and growl before rinsing off and hurrying out. I run to the Alpha house where Calli and Layla are sitting on the porch drinking sweet tea and giggling while pouring over the budget for the upcoming school year.

“Calli….” I say as I stand at the bottom of the steps and cross my arms over my chest. I’m shirtless and I don’t miss the appreciative glance she sends my abs and biceps.

“Hey baby how was training?” She asks brightly while taking another sip of her tea.

“Don’t play cute with me. I know what you did.” Her eyes go big like they always do when she wants something she knows I don’t want to give her.

“What did I do, baby?” she asks innocently, her eyebrows furrowing in mock confusion.

“When you went to town to get school supplies, I asked you to get soap for the training center showers…”

“And I did.” She says defensively.

“Calli…” I warn.

“What?” She shouts.

“You bought flea and tick shampoo!” I shout. Layla descends into giggles while Calli tries to maintain her innocent face.

“But, baby, it’s flea and tick season. I was just worried about you guys.” She says sweetly while trying to hold back her giggles.

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