Chapter 18

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She smiles at me, but there is still a hint of fear in her eyes and, damn, does that hurt. I mean, I can’t blame her. You find out your soul mate can sprout huge teeth, must be kind of scary. I scoop her up and lay on the bed with her in my lap and wrap my arms around her securely. She tucks her little face into the crook of my neck and breathes in deep. I can’t help but smile. She is affected by the mate bond and doesn’t even realize it. We sit quietly for a few minutes and I soak up every bit of her attention. I run my fingers through her hair and kiss her forehead. It feels so good for her to know the truth, even if it didn’t happen the way I was hoping it would.

“So. Penny and Cam.” She says. I chuckle and cringe at the same time.

“Yeah, I needed to get cleaned up, so I had Cam come keep an eye on the house. I called Penny, figuring you’d want to see her. They met and bam. I’ve never seen two mates go from meeting to boning that fast. Seriously, I don’t think she even knew his name. I had to go outside, they were so loud and smelled so bad. I’m throwing away the bed in your spare room, I’ll buy you a new one. I won’t be able to stand the smell of my brother’s sexual escapades every time I’m here.” She descends into a fit of giggles and it’s the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard.

“So, what does this mean, Finn?” She asks quietly. I pull away from her gently to look down in her big, beautiful eyes.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“Well, being a beta is important right?” She asks, curiously. I nod and kiss the little lines in between her eyes that her furrowed brow causes.

“Yes. Ian is the Alpha, he’s in charge. But as Beta I am responsible for helping him keep the pack running and safe. Besides him, I’m the strongest and most skilled wolf in our pack.”

“Yeah, I got a taste of that last night.” She says and shudders in my arms.

 "I'm sorry you saw that, sweetheart. My wolf was a little more vicious than he usually is. With you in the car he was on edge. He needed to protect you."

"You talk about your wolf like he is a seperate person." She says quietly eyeing me with a burning curiosity. I feel like I'm being studied intently and it's creeping me out.

"He kind of is." I shrug. "But we work together. He's a part of me."

"Does he like me?" She asks with a sweet smile. I chuckle and nod.

"Oh yes. Very much." She scratches my chin and coos at me.

"Good Fido." I rub my nose against hers and lick her cheek, earning me a peal of laughter.

"His name is Titan, babe."

"That's a pretty bad ass name for a wolf." She says and Titan puffs up with pride.

"Yeah it is." I say excitedly.

"I'm gonna call him Socks." She smiles at me mischievously and I tweak her nose.

"No, you're not. That's definitely not a bad ass name for a wolf." She shrugs and moves to straddle me on the bed.

"I'm sure Titan won't mind if I call him Socks." She whispers in my ear and the feel of her hot breath on my neck makes goosebumps rise on my skin.

'Mate can call me whatever she wants! Tell her, tell her!' Titan yells. I flinch from how loud he is.

"No, he doesn't like it." I say quietly.

'LIAR!' Titan yells. 'Tell mate I love her!'

'It's too soon!' I tell him. 'You'll freak her out.' He huffs.

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