Chapter 42

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I couldn't sleep. Every time I closed my eyes my brain started to churn. What she had been through. How close I had come to losing her. As soon as I thought about how she looked, bending over spewing her guts all over the ground, my eyes would snap back open all on their own to study her, watch the lazy rise and fall of her chest as she breathes, ogle the pink in her cheeks ensuring me that there was blood in them. Thst she was still alive. I would press myself further against her, allow her warmth to seep into me like a balm for an open wound.

It wasn't until these quiet moments that I would allow myself to think on what happened. Even though Calli’s experience was much more traumatic than mine, the feeling I had when I found our empty bed still causes my heart to race and palms to sweat. I'm terrified if I close my eyes she'll somehow disappear.

Or be taken from me.

The thought makes me choke on air as my throat constricts.

I involuntarily squeeze my arms around her tighter. She rolls in my arms and tucks her head into my side before swooping her leg over mine, entwining them together.


I close my eyes as content sweeps over me. Now she's stuck and I would definitely wake up if she moved.

Or would I?

My eyes pop open again.

Ugh. Fuck.

That's how I stay as Calli sleeps the afternoon away safely tucked in my arms. At some point I fall into a restless sleep until I feel movement next to me. I instinctively tighten my arms around her as my heart starts to pound.

"Where are you going?" I ask and the panic in my own voice makes me cringe.

"To the bathroom. Are you ok?" I open my eyes and meet her green ones, filled to the brim with concern.

"I'm fine, just worried about you. Come back quick." I say and try to smile, but judging by the look on her face she's not buying it.

'Try to be a little less pathetic.' Titan says. I roll my eyes internally.

'Don't act like you're not just as whipped as me.' Titan scoffs and curls up in a ball in my mind.

'Yeah, but I'm still a bad ass.' He says and I block him out.

I don't need his criticism right now.

Calli pads across the bedroom back to me and my eyes trace every inch of her naked body, my fingers aching to trace every part of her.

"You're so beautiful." I murmur under my breath. I don't think I will ever stop being amazed by her. She giggles a little and slips in beside me, pulling me close to her.

"You're pretty handsome yourself, stud." She teases before kissing me chastely.

"I love you. You know that, right?"

"Of course, Finn. I love you too." She says quietly and hearing those precious words from her makes my body instantly relax.

"I think I'm ready to see Layla." She says quietly nuzzling her face into my chest and planting gentle kisses along my muscles.

Titan purrs in approval.

Fucking purrs.

Lovesick pup.

"Whenever you want, sweetheart." I say kissing her head. She nods and melts in to me. I get the feeling she doesn't want to leave and honestly, neither do I. She sighs heavily before extracting herself from my grasp and rises to get dressed. I watch her, admiring the view when she bends over to put on her panties.

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