Chapter 5

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Finally! I had my girl right next to me. In my car going on a date. I could reach out and touch her if I wanted to. Which I won't. She would probably think that's a bit forward at this point. It's kind of ironic to think the only reason I was out on patrol that morning was because Camden was hung over and asked me to cover for him. Who knows if I would have found my mate otherwise. Catching her scent was the most amazing feeling in the world. She smells like jasmine when you barely catch a whiff of it on the wind and just a hint of honey. I followed that smell like my life depended on it.

Turns out it did. If I had gotten there thirty seconds later that rogue probably would have killed her. I tore that fucker to pieces before I went to find her. Even after the wolf scare, I was still surprised at how guarded she was around me. Usually girls fawn all over me. It's annoying. But not my girl. Nope. She accused me of being a serial killer. Ian, my alpha, almost died laughing when I told him about that.

It's been so hard to stay away from her. Walking back into the woods that day took all of my willpower. Not knowing if she would call me was incredibly nerve-wracking. Of course I couldn't just let my mate go off into the world with no idea who she was or where she was going. While she was talking to her friend I mind linked her license plate info to our tech guy in the pack and had her full name and address before she hung up the phone. I've been swinging by her house a few times a day just to check on her. Not like peeking in her windows or any creepy shit like that. It makes me nervous that she lives alone especially since she's injured right now. I mostly hang out for a few hours at night just keeping an eye on things. That's why I was sleeping when she called me. I've been slacking on my duties a little but everyone is being really understanding. I don't think she's even left her house. Her car is back but it looks like it's been in the exact same place since someone dropped it off. I haven't seen her leave either. I caught a glimpse of her one day when she had a package delivered. I wish I knew what was in it, she seemed pretty excited about it. She even did a little happy dance on her front porch when she saw it. It was adorable.


Ugh I don't think I've ever referred to anything as adorable in my entire life. But my little mate? Yeah she's fucking adorable and I don't care who knows it.

And she's a spitfire. With an attitude like that, I bet if she were a werewolf she'd be mated to an alpha. She's got dominance for days. But that makes her perfect for a beta like me.

And goddess is she beautiful. She's just a little thing. Such tiny legs. She's so cute. Long dark brown hair, creamy skin, button nose, plush pink lips, bright green eyes, trim waist and her boobs. Good God when she squished them together in the forest I nearly buried my face in them. I'm lucky I didn't. She probably would have suffocated me with them as revenge.

But there are worse ways to die.

I was worried when I smelled that she was human that she wouldn't really react to the bond at all. In fact I was pretty sure she didn't feel anything at all until she said her arm was tingly where she touched me. That was a damn relief! It's a little more difficult with her being human, I have to be careful how I go about this. I asked a few of the other pack guys that were mated to humans how they broke the news of our world. They all said the same thing, date her and let her fall in love like a normal human first. Which sounds great in theory unless you have an incredibly powerful and dominant wolf who's only concern is marking and mating our girl so everyone knows she is mine.

Talk about stressful.

But I'll do my best to do this right. She's worth it. I had almost given up hope on finding my mate. We can recognize our other half at eighteen, most wolves find their mate within a year. So me being twenty three was kind of concerning. Not just for me personally, but the pack is stronger with all of our leadership in place. Ian found his Luna years ago. The beta female was the only one missing. But not anymore.

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