The Underground

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I finished the plan after like an hour. It doesn't sound like it's written out well, but I promise it is. Exactly an hour later everyone I needed in the room was here. My family and my men attending this trip with me.

"Here's the plan hoes. We'll be flying out to Kazan and going to the Underground. One of my shipments were stolen and I'd like to know why. We all know exactly who took it and it was the Russian Mafia. They flew their asses out here just so they could take some drugs and guns.. Odd? Indeed it is." I started out.

I looked around the room Lilah was at the opposite end of the table.

"Our precious new recruit here," I gesture towards Lilah, "She'll pretty much be our bait for this mission."

"I didn't volunteer for this."

"It's because I voluntold you."

She leaned back in her chair allowing me to speak again.

"We'll all be going in disguise obviously, everyone who standing right now will secure the perimeter's. Everyone sitting down right now will be inside. Ben you'll be making sure Lilah stay's safe, but from a distance. Claudia will be in the west position with Veronica. Greyson east, and Mia east, and I will be west. You all need to keep your eyes out for Maxim and once you see him, Lilah will approach him. The whole objective is to get him alone.. Go it? You do what you can to get him alone, okay Lilah?" I checked with her.

"And what if I don't?"

"Then I'll kill you myself. Just as your parents died, you'll die in the same state."

She shot up out of her chair and slammed her hands down on the table.

"Not if I kill you first."

As soon as she finished that sentence all guns in the room were aimed on her. Veronica, Claudia, Ben, Mia and Greyson ALL had their guns trained on her.

Her complexion soon turned pale as she heard people click the safety off.

She muttered something under her breath before sitting down.

"You all can stand down.. She's not being serious." And that's when they all put their guns back in their holsters.

"Back to what I was saying. Once Lilah get's him alone, I would have already been following. Ben as well. We'll get our answers.. And if we don't.. Well then we kill him."

Everyone nodded in agreement, except for Lilah.

"I need you to understand that if you don't pull this off right then we're all going to die.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. When do we leave?" She asked me.



I finished packing all the shit I wanted to take with me on this "trip."

I really didn't feel like seducing a Russian Mafia Don, but I guess that's why I'm here.

Gio hasn't called to ask about anything here so I decided to call him myself.

He picked up on the third ring.

"I'm in the middle of a meeting." He said in a hushed whisper kind of tone.

"No hey what's up? How's everything going down there?"

"I'm putting my trust in you. I'm sure you can handle it."

"Yeah, but it would still be nice to hear from you buddy ole pal."

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