Game On

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*3 days later*

Elijah and I decided to take a little trip.

Alone, and together.

Just him and I to somewhere secluded.

We made sure to take a road not many people go on. But we would have to go on the highway for a few minutes.

But it's nighttime.. So not many people should be on the road.


I look over to Lilah who's leaning on the window of the car.

"I'm glad we can do this.. Get away for a little and not have to worry about this whole mess." I tell her.

I'm trying to be as calm about this as I can.

But in three days the number has went up a quarter of a million.

She has 925 million on her head right now.

I understand why she's quiet.

She doesn't answer me so I slip my hand into hers.

"Lilah, I pray everything's going to be okay.. I can't promise you that it will, but I can try and make sure that you and I are." I try and reassure her.

"I love you." she replies.

I look back over to her.

"I love you too." 


Hearing him say that really does put me at me peace.

But as soon as I see his eyes flicker from me to window behind me fear surges through my body.

I can't explain what happens next because everything goes black.


I pull her towards me and the next second our car is hit and sent flipping down the highway.

Once is comes to a full stop our car is upside down.

A couple cars pull up behind our car. My vision is blurry and blood is running down my face.

Glass is everywhere and for once in my life i'm afraid.

"Check the car." I hear a male voice say, and a few seconds later footsteps approach our torn up vehicle.

I turn slightly to look at Lilah.

She's unconscious.. Or dead. But I pray it's the first one.

Blood runs down her face as well. Her features are well defined by the fire that's about to engulf the car.

Even when we're in danger and bloody.. She's still so damn beautiful.

I'm still holding onto her hand. And that's the one point where our blood mixes and drips off of our hands.

Might as well act dead if I want to stay alive.

I close my eyes and let my sense of hearing take over.

But before I do I press a button on the car notifying back home that we're in trouble.

"Unconscious, boss. Elijah's in the car too." someone speaks to the left of me.

"He is? 2 for fucking 1. Get Giovanni on the line please." The leader speaks.

"Yes sir." he replies.

Okay fuck staying alive. I just need her to stay alive.

I let go of Lilah's hand and press the release button on the seat. It doesn't work the first few times so I keep pressing it and it finally let's me go. Luckily the sound of fire around the car covers the sounds I make.

I press the release button on Lilah's seat and at the 4th try it let's her down.

I kick the car door open and get us out without being harmed further. I get the handgun from the drivers side of the door and luckily get to turn around before I'm spotted.

"Would you look at that.. Not unconscious. You hear that Giovanni?" The obvious leader speaks. "Where's your body guards?.. Backup?.. Protection? This couldn't have been that easy." He snorts.

"We're two people in a relationship that don't want to be smothered with bodyguards every second. Until you came along we were on a fucking trip." I explained to him.

"Well sorry to end it so early.. But I need you to drop the gun." he tells me.

"No way in hell." I reply raising it higher.

I just have to hold off until help gets here.

"I don't need to take you. I just want her." his eyebrows furrowed.

"Tough shit. You're not getting her." I reply.

"You're making this way harder then it has to be." he rolls his eyes.

The car makes a high pitched sound.

This shit's gonna blow.

I take a few steps back.

I hold Lilah by the waist, giving her a bit of support.

"What the hell are you-"

The car blows and I hold Lilah in front of me so my back hits the ground and she doesn't.

I lose my hearing for a minute or so and then I stand up. A couple SUV's drive up and stop a good distance away from the car that's currently on fire. Men rush out of both SUV's and over to the fuckers that tried to take Lilah away from me.

A few men rush over to where Lilah and I are and I can't help but feel so damn guilty.

"Take her back to the house and make sure she's okay." I say handing her over to them. They nod and take her to one of the SUV's.

"Boss, we came as soon as we got the alert. What happened?" Ben asked me.

"An ambush. Please find out who those idiots are.. And when you do get back to me." I say as he helps me up.

"You look terrible." Ben laughs a little.

"Thanks, I think it's the new car crash I got into." I joke.

And he laughs at that.

Giovanni has officially crossed the fucking line.

Game on asshole.

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