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I feel hella bad for Veronica. I mean she was probably stressing over and it and Greyson being the drunk he is reacted totally wrong.

Lilah didn't come to me last night. It's ok though because I know she's comforting her friend that needs it.

I was now in my office signing documents about shipments and all that good shit.

"Hey bestie!" Greyson yells coming into my office.

I gave him a dirty look and he got confused.

"Ok is everyone messing with me? This morning everyone is either ignoring me or giving me dirty looks. Ben gave me the dirtiest look ever and the girls ignored me. The fuck did I do wrong?"

"You can talk about what you said yesterday with your dear significant other, alright?"

"Was it because I was drunk yesterday? She's the one avoiding me like the fucking plague. How did I do anything wrong?"

"I'm not talking about this with you. Go ask her."

"Fine, bye bestie." He said before blowing me a kiss.

That fucking twink.


I' actually think people are messing with me. The fuck did I do wrong to have literally everyone fucking ignore me?

I walked into Vee's room to find her and Lilah on the bed with her crying. My concern was rising instantly.

"What did I do to make everyone hate me and for you to cry? You have been the one ignoring me and avoiding me like a disease." I said getting frustrated.

"You don't remember anything while you were drunk?" Lilah asked me.

"No, why?"

"I'm going to leave.. I'll be with Elijah and give you guys some space." She hugged Veronica and left, shutting the door.

"Baby, what did I do to make you this upset with me?" I ask Vee concerned.

"Yesterday, I announced some really important information about our future and you said the worst thing ever and then walked out."

"What was this information?" I was so confused at this moment.

"I'm pregnant..." she said looking down at her nails like they were so interesting.

"Wait.. Your pregnant?.. As in i'm going to be a father in 9 months?.." I said happily.

"More like 8. Yesterday you told me to abort the baby." she told me quietly.

Drunk Greyson. You asshole.

"There's no way I'd actually get one, but to know that this was your opinion made me really upset and made me feel like you don't want a future with me," she said sniffling and I moved next to her and hugged her.

"My dream is to make a family with you. I don't know what drunk Greyson was thinking but it's different now, okay?"

She nods.

"I'm sorry.. I really am sorry for what I said." I told her.

"You told me to abort the baby.. In front of literally everyone." she replied. "Close your damn mouth before a fly finds a home in there." she tells me and I do.

I didn't know my jaw was dropped.

"I'm sincerely sorry about that.. You know I love you.. And now I love the little munchkin growing inside your belly." I tickle her a little and she giggles.

I press my forehead against hers and smile.

"I can't wait to start a fucking family with you Veronica. I love you." I tell her.

"I love you too." she smiles.


I make my way to Elijah's office because that's where I know he is.

It's where he always is.

I hear yelling and I guess it's him.

I knock on his office door before entering, and he looks at me before yelling a few more things in Italian to whoever's on the other side of that phone.

I walk over and wrap my arms around his waist leaning my head on the place just a little below his chest.

I'm short, and I swear to fucking God this bitch is still growing.

He puts his free hand in the middle of my back, pressing me closer to him.

"Sembra che mi importi? Porta a termine quel dannato lavoro." he says before hanging up. [Does it sound like I care? Get the damn job done.]

"What was that about?" I ask him.

"There's a major delay on one of the shipments.. These idiots are making excuses." he says placing his phone down.

He bent down a little placing his hands under my thighs and lifting me up. He placed me on his desk and stood between my legs.

He rested his forehead on mine and placed his hands on my thighs, squeezing them a bit.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he did so.

"You know.. Sometimes I wish I met you under different circumstances." Elijah tells me.

"What? The way we met is like a whole movie.. We can tell our kids someday that I was sent to kill you but instead fucked everything up and fell in love with you instead." I say in a low voice.

"Yeah.. But, you do realize if we do have kids one is going to have to take all of this over someday?" he asks me.

"I'm well aware.. We can't just run away?.." I ask trailing a finger over his shoulder.

"Sure, if you want people hunting us for the rest of our lives." he replied.

I trail my hand over his shoulder and gently over the side of his neck and caress his cheek.

The mood in the room is so.. Angsty.

We both hate being here, but if we fucking leave we die.

He leans into my touch and closes his eyes.

I feel like I haven't had enough time with Elijah.. I started off hating his ass because he was honestly a prick.

As time went on, I realized it wasn't hate. It was just the way we flirted.

I love Elijah with every fucking ounce of my shitty soul and I'll be damned if I don't give him the world before I die.

I love Elijah so much, and for the first time in my entire life.. I know what real love is.

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