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You left your office and started heading to the elevator where you would then exit your work. While walking towards the elevator you hear a conversation which seemed to be very serious due to the tone your manager was speaking in. You stood in the corridor for a while before making the decision of going towards the manager's office to listen into the conversation. This probably would end up terribly but that's only if you got caught.. Barely anyone was on this floor, and even if they where around, they wouldn't be leaving their office for a while. You put your ear towards a wall and started listening. The voices were a blur to you first but it got better the more you listened.

''This is nonsense! It's just nightmares!'' you hear your boss raising his voice at the other person in the room with him. ''no Sir, i-..'' there was a pause, ''Sir its not! He was there!'' the person carried on, ''that thing was there! It's not a dream, he tried to hurt m-'' your boss cut the person off with a laugh, probably thinking the other person was stupid. Then he stopped and slammed a fist on a table or counter, ''Jeremy stop it!! We are going to get sued if you keep talking about it! Would you please stop?! Take a break if you need to, maybe you need some sleep.'' Jeremy? That name seemed familiar.. You took a while to think and realized that Jeremy was another worker in this business. He was one of the best workers actually, the boss would always talk about him and praise him. It was strange to hear the boss yell at one of the best workers..

Suddenly you heard some footsteps and so you stormed into the elevators direction. You got into the elevator and was about to press the button but Jeremy walked in. You glanced over at his direction to take a closer look at him. He had dark bags under his eyes-probably because he didn't sleep much because of his 'nightmares'. He also had worn and dirty clothes for some odd reason. He leaned against the wall of the elevator and his face went red with water in his eyes.. You pressed the elevator button and walked up to Jeremy, ''hey-..'' you say, putting your hand on his shoulder, ''its okay, don't worry...''

Jeremy wipes his eyes and looks down at you. He sniffles and puts a fake smile on his face. You take out a piece of paper and scribble your number on it, ''I think you need someone to talk to about the situation, so here''. You passed him the piece of paper and he gladly took it-his smile seemed no longer fake. You smiled back, and the rest of the elevator ride was quiet. It was calm. If only your whole life could be like that.. The elevator soon stopped and the elevator door slowly opened. You stepped outside of the elevator and turned around to take a last look at Jeremy. He was still faintly smiling as he was walking out of the elevator. You two soon went your separate ways.

You hopped into your car and sighed, sinking into your car seat. Out of nowhere, your phone buzzed. You took it out of your pocket and check it, it was a random number. You pressed on it to see the full message, it said 'It's Jeremy, Thank you'. You smiled and saved his number, feeling good. It felt like you helped someone. After saving his number, you messaged him back saying 'no problem. Message or meet up whenever you want :)' and you put your phone back into your pocket. You start the engine car and you begin driving.

You put the radio on but only static comes on. ''hm..'' you said, wondering what was wrong. This barely ever happened. You messed around with the radio but gave up after a while,focusing on your driving. While driving you couldn't help but think of the conversation you overheard. You started wondering what Jeremy had nightmares about. Maybe some wierd werewolves or something? Then again, Jeremy didn't seem like that kind of person. Jeremy is that kind of person who is easy to read yet is quiet most of the time. Jeremy was mysterious yet loyal. He didn't socialise much yet seemed like he was friends with everyone. You sighed, worrying about him although not talking to him much.

You soon arrived at your nice and warm house. You enter and sit on the couch, resting for a while. You decided to eat some food and then go on your phone. You hesitantly opened up the messaging app and started messaging Jeremy, 'what we're the nightmares about?' you asked. Jeremy saw it not too long after you sent it and replied with 'I don't want to say via text'. You tilted your head. Strange.. Was he paranoid? You were curious but you didn't want to sound mean, so you left it. You decided to play Fnaf Vr to pass time.

[EDITTING] The Rabbit Suit [Glitchtrap × Reader] Where stories live. Discover now