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A few days passed, and you got further into the game than you expected. You were closer to the end then you were to the start-that's for sure. You smiled, becoming really proud of yourself as you took the headset off and put the hand controls away. You decided to leave your room and see what there was left in the kitchen. You put on some nice slippers and left your room, closing the door behind you before going down the stairs. When you got downstairs something caught your attention. It was the TV.. It was some wierd static once again. You turned the TV off and debated whether to message Jeremy about the situation, but you didn't want to bother him.

You got a few snacks and headed into your room once again. You enjoyed your Temporary room more the more time you spent in it, and if you were being honest with yourself, that was alot of time. You munched on a snack before grabbing the hand controls and the VR headset once again, trying to complete the game as soon as possible so you could show off to Jeremy. You put on the headset and looked around-something was off.. You weren't greated by the main 3 and Foxy at the back as a starting screen, but static with some words on it. You squinted to read the words which said 'Follow Me.' you looked around and shrugged, pressing the button to go to the main lobby, hoping that was just a glitch. Once loaded in, you jumped back. It was the same lobby but a bit darker, and Glitchtrap was in front of you, leaning his head on the monitor instead of being on the side, far away from you. The rabbit chuckled and pointed at you saying,
"I found you" which took you a while to process since it sounded like gibberish.

You started panicking and felt unsafe, so you pressed the 'prize corner' button. That was a non-scary zone in this game, right? Once you appeared in the prize corner and the surroundings changed, you sighed in relief. That was until green Glitching came on the screen and the creature appeared behind the counter, holding a small knife in its furry paws. Its purple eyes, now able to move, looked at you as the creature said, "we want you". You didn't know what this meant. You shook your head and pressed the button back to the lobby, not sure if this would help. You closed your eyes, not wanting to look if the creature would be there or not,but then it pushed you to your breaking point. It's voice sounded really close, and these 3 words made you lose it.
"I want you.." you felt something grab your shoulder and you immediately took your headset off and put it away with the hand controls.

You wanted to fall into bed-that was until you noticed something.. Stood beside your bed, was a human sized rabbit costume.. Glitchtrap was still there, in reality.. You took a pillow from the floor and threw it at him, hoping it would get him away, but it didn't. It just bounced off. The 'now looking a little less dead inside' eyes looked down at you, as the creature did nothing but stand there. You took a deep breath as you watched Glitchtrap's green and slimy looking abomination turn into an actual suit looking creature.

Glitchtrap was still looking at you while you looked back at him, looking at the detail. Glitchtrap had a dark caramel yellow as the base colour of his suit, with a pale yellow as a colour for the mouth. It's light purple eyes seemed to glow, but you couldn't tell from this far away. It had a wide and fake smile formed on its head at all times, with rabbit teeth and four fat whiskers (like a cats), two on either side. He had long and thin ears, which bent back and forward depending on the movement it made. It had a huge purple bowtie on, aswell as something that probably should resemble a jacket, reaching to his waist you guessed, which was purple aswell. It had silver glittering stars on it, which was a nice touch.

You shook your head, "what?" you said vaguely, sounding a bit mad. You were hoping this was all a dream and that you would get over this soon, so you decided to act, until you woke up. "I want y-" the creature started talking but you interrupted,"Explain how you are here." There was a moment of silence in the room but Glitchtrap finnaly broke it, "didn't you listen to the tapes-?.." You looked at your headset and realized that the answer was no. You wanted to wait until you had most of the tapes and then listen to them.. You looked back at Glitchtrap, who seemed to be focused on you more than anything else,and shook your head,"why does it matter-?" you asked, as Glitchtrap looked down at the headset with a small disorted laugh of some sort. "It doesn't matter then." he responded.
You rolled your eyes and thought, 'it probably does, it's just something he doesnt want me to know'.

As you finished thinking about it, Glitchtrap nodded, "look how smart you are.. Perfect for my plan." he said.
"Plan?! What plan?" you asked, sounding like you were demanding an answer, but Glitchtrap said he didn't want to tell you, giving the excuse of 'everything will reveal itself in time, don't you worry about anything.' You sighed and sat on the side of your bed, getting a bit tired. Glitchtrap turned to face you and you realized you had to get him out-you didn't want a killer rabbit in the house. You grabbed his arm and led him outside of your room, then slammed the door shut on him.
"what was that for?" Glitchtrap asked from behind the door, sounding not too shocked about the situation. You looked at the door, "oh, maybe because you are going to kill me and having a killer rabbit in the same room feels a bit wierd?!" you responded angrily, trying to keep your voice down.

"Here, we can have a deal if you want.. You don't tell the business that you found this 'virus', and I won't hurt you.. Okay-?" You wanted to cut him off, asking him how would you know he would keep that promise, but something hit you.. His voice, from what you could work out and hear, sounded troubled. It reminded you of Jeremy and how he counted on your help.. Maybe Glitchtrap wanted yours? Yes, trusting a killer rabbit won't be easy but then again, you worried that if you said 'no', that might be the last thing you say.. You sighed, "okay, i won't tell them-" you heard some feet jumping up and down-was he happy or angry-? "but keep in mind this isn't my house-" you could hear Glitchtrap walk towards something (probably a room) while saying,"oh yeah, I know",and then closing a door.

You decided to lock the door to your room and hop into bed.. You were aware of the possibilities of actions the rabbit could take, so you decided to stay up-or at least try to. You had your phone next to you, just incase you needed to call the police. You were ready for a few hours of watching over yourself, so you don't get hurt..

[EDITTING] The Rabbit Suit [Glitchtrap × Reader] Where stories live. Discover now