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You got up the next morning and decided to take today slow. Your week's have been going by so quickly and you decided to take a turn on normal life. Glitchtrap hadn't shown up in a day or two which seemed unusual since you were used to Glitchtrap being there most of the time besides you. You shook your head and decided to get a shower to start the day. After taking a warm shower you decided to get dressed in some comfortable clothes and walk outside in the fresh air for a calming walk. It was another one of those boring days-you didn't know what to do. This morning really reminded you of life when it was normal-when there was no Glitchtrap.. When there was no love life or barely any feelings involved in general,only tiredness due to work and nothing intresting happening through out most of your life. You thought about different things to do while keeping in mind you had work later on during the day. It was in a few hours, which was enough for you to walk around and just enjoy the morning.

A few hours pass really quickly and you rushed to work, jogging to get excersise. You stepped inside of your boring work place and walked into the elevator, heading to your small and plain office where you would work all the time unless the manager needed you for something, which was rarely because Jeremy would be the main person the manager would ask to do special tasks. You got into your small office and logged onto a computer which took it's time to load up. When logged on, you decided to check the files and look at the latest products of Fazbear Entertainment before doing work on a Word document. You double clicked a file which was named 'Fazbears' and waited for the items in the file to load up. The first thing that loaded up was an image of two males standing in front of an old looking Pizzeria. One of the boys on the left was tall and skinny with really dark brown hair which looked like black. The guy had a badge on his shirt with his name on it but you couldn't work out what it said since the computers in these office's were terrible.

You didn't bother about the images and started flicking through, that was until you found something that stood out to you. You went back to the image you saw and looked at it. It looked like some outside are with some sort of robot or costume on the side of a green container/box. It was a yellow rabbit with no eyes so that someone could go inside of it. You shook your head and realized that this looked like the back of the business and that the green box was actually a bin. You checked the date of the image-it was a year before you knew this place existed. You were going to flick through more pages but you heard a thud and raised voices coming from downstairs. You looked on the floor and logged off, your curiosity growing as you walked out of the office and headed to the elevator to go downstairs and check.

There was another thud as the elevator came to a stop and you heard aggressive voices coming from what seemed to be the office. The elevator door opened up really slowly and you saw what seemed to be two people surrounded by a crowd of curious employees. You stepped into the crowd and looked ahead. You couldn't see much, only employees heads as they watched the two people argue back and forth. You tried listening to the main two people and tried to figure out what the two of them were on about but you couldn't gather it out since people were whispering. You tried pushing through the crowd but you barely managed to do that. You pushed through one row of people and then through another. "Oh well!" a familiar voice said to someone as you heard footsteps. You managed to push your way to the front row and you felt your mouth open wide..

It was the manager and Jeremy arguing about something. The manager walked up to Jeremy and tried to slap him which made the crowd gasp in shock. "Don't talk to me like that ever again!" he said with a raised voice. Jeremy looked at the crowd and noticed You-his eyes with tears. You looked back at him and wondered what started this argument.. The manager snapped his fingers in front of Jeremy's face before saying, "leave". Jeremy looked at the manager and said "gladly" before storming out of the work place and walking away in the rain. You walked to the door but someone grabbed your hand. You turned to face the person who grabbed your arm-it was the manager. "I don't suggest going after that liar." he said angrily as he was still calming down from the argument. You shook your hand and he let go-then you walked out and looked around trying to find your friend.

You heard sobbing from nearby and walked over to an alleyway near your work business. There, leaning against the wall in the rain, was Jeremy crying.. You walked up to him slowly and soon found yourself by his side. You patted his back and he wiped his tears away and pulled you into a hug. You smiled faintly and hugged him back, but your smile faded away as Jeremy said in a cracking voice, "I'm sorry Y/N". He pulled away and looked at you, the only thing distracting you two being the storm coming and the rain spitting in your faces. "I guess you want answers?" he asked as he wiped another pair of tears. You nodded slowly and he began talking, "I'm moving".. "What?!" you asked as Jeremy's face sank into some kind of sadness. You heard thunder in the distance as Jeremy put his hand in yours, "It was a sudden decision, I'm sorry Y/N.. I didn't hand in the work since I had no need to-I'm moving tommorow morning. I didn't want to tell you since I knew it would hurt you.." he said, his face having tears flowing down. You sighed as he let go of your hand-you were going to miss him.."Hey don't be upset though, you will find great people. Sometimes you have to lose something to gain something!" he said sounding happy. How could he be happy if he was leaving a friend-? You looked at him and forced a fake smile, hoping he wouldn't notice, Jeremy smiled back.

[EDITTING] The Rabbit Suit [Glitchtrap × Reader] Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang