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A few days passed and Glitchtrap and you hung out whenever you could at this point, the two of you getting pretty close now. You two could consider yourself best friends-it would make it better if you knew who he was.. He kept saying that 'It's sooner than you expect it, don't worry about it.' but the more you waited, the more you doubted it. Could you really trust someone who you didn't know the face of? On the other side, in your normal life, you and Jeremy were still pretty good friends but he seemed to be busy with work. You didn't mind-you liked having a crazy life including a rabbit you didn't know the identity of. Glitchtrap sat on the floor as you layed on the couch upside-down, your head close to the floor. You were both staring at the wall with nothing to do.

"Hey Y/N?" Glitchtrap started to speak, his eyes looking at you for a split second but then focusing back on the plain and boring wall. "who do you think I am?" he finished. You felt something form in your stomach-it wasn't a nice feeling.. You didn't like thinking about this-you didn't want to guess, just incase your answer disappointed him in some way. You shook your head, "time will come, I don't want to guess.." you said quietly. Glitchtrap nodded his heavy head slowly, probably since he was tired of you saying the same thing. He had asked you this a few times now and you have always given the same answer. A few seconds later Glitchtrap turned to face you and you rolled to the side to face him as well.
"are you ready?" he asked, sounding a little worried. "ready for what?" you asked as your mind came up with different scenarios. Was it what you have been waiting for the past few weeks..?

"ready for me to show who I truly am.." Glitchtrap said as both of his ears flopped down. You learnt that he showed expressions with the ears as well as body language since his face was hidden under the rabbit mask. You felt your eyes widen as he offered that. "when?!" you asked and Glitchtrap gave out a long sigh. "soon-i will tell you that". Soon? When could that be? He had said that for weeks now and have you seen his face? No! You closed your eyes as you took deep breaths, trying to calm down. A few moments later, you opened your eyes to look at Glitchtrap with his head tilted. "yeah I can wait I guess.." you said. Waiting wasn't easy though-it was harder then what Glitchtrap thought it probably was. There was so more that linked into the waiting.. Everytime you two saw eachother, you felt your feelings grow.. It had gotten that strong that by now you were just waiting for him to reveal himself so you could confess and finnaly say you liked him. How long would it take?! Whoever this was, he had replaced a friend of yours in reality. Whoever it was under that mask, it better be worth the wait..

You sighed, thinking of why you even liked Glitchtrap in the first place.. You decided to think it all started when Jeremy 'lied' to you (or atleast that's what you thought he did). Glitchtrap was there when you needed someone the most, and they also seemed to be into that book about humans.. Maybe he was trying to change for the better after all.. He had been so kind over the past few days, helping you and being there for you.. He cared and you were comfortable around him. You felt like you could be yourself and that judgment wasn't a thing around the two of you, mostly because the person inside of Glitchtrap remained unknown and you didn't think you guys knew eachother in reality. There was nothing to judge either-you both were wierd overall. Then again, no one is normal.. You shook your head as you felt Glitchtrap poke you, "Y/N?.." he asked. You turned to face him, realizing that you were zoned out for a while. Did you miss anything important? You gave a faint smile, "sorry! Were you saying something?" you asked while gathering your final thoughts in your head and trying not to zone out again. "uh.. Actually it doesn't matter, I'm going to head off once again." he said, standing up. You two said goodbye to eachother and he disappeared,leaving nothing but green Glitching particles behind him which vanished before they touched the floor.

You looked at your phone which was buzzing-it was a call. It was Jeremy, you picked it up. "Y/N, could you try talking to the manager about uhm.. Letting me off?" he asked, a bit sheepishly. You raised an eyebrow, "Let you off?" you quoted. Jeremy sighed, "yes, I've been uh.. I've been ill lately and I forgot about work. Could you maybe hop into his office and tell him things so he doesn't fire me?" he asked once again, this time in more detail. "I can try" you said, getting ready to get out and drive there since it was closing soon. "thank you Y/N.." he said quietly before hanging up on you. You were in the car, driving through the streets, trying to get to your work place as soon as possible to help your friend out.

Once you go there, you ran inside and ran up to a door that said 'Manager's Office'. You knocked and the manager opened the door. He looked down at you while you spoke, "can we speak? It's important." you said. Just like that, he let you in his office. You sat in a spinny chair, opposite to the one your manager sat in. You wondered why he let you in.. Maybe it was because you never came to ask for anything and because of that, he thought it was a matter of life or death. You looked on his desk which had paper work on-like always. You looked up at him, "so, making this as quick as possible and straight to the point, I have heard you wanted to fire Jeremy?" you said, speaking loud and clearly since this was your manager you were speaking to. The manager gave a slow nodd, "yes Y/N.. yes I do want to fire him".

"why's that may I ask?" you responded back, trying not to sound aggressive. He better have a valid reason.. "He hasn't been in, and there has been no information given to me saying why he isn't where he should be". That wasn't like Jeremy.. He would normally give a call and say there was something wrong-was he that busy doing something else that he forgot to do that? "well he called me to say that he has been really ill lately and that he couldn't call in because he couldn't even get out of bed" you said, the last bit being made up.. You hoped the manager believed it-you didn't want Jeremy to lose his job. The manager looked at the papers and then looked back at you, "and is Jeremy feeling better now?" the manager asked. You looked at your phone and messaged Jeremy to ask. He said he was feeling better-what a relief. You looked back at the manager and nodded, "Yes, Jeremy is feeling better" you said with a faint smile on your face. The manager nodded while giving a conclusion, "Well then.. If Jeremy catches up on the work-I will give him three weeks to do that-then he can stay.. But if not, then he will be fired. Understood?" you nodded and left.

You called Jeremy and he answered almost immediately. "Jeremy I did it! You can stay aslong as you catch up on some paperwork!" you heard Jeremy groan as you said the word 'paperwork' which you couldn't help but laugh at. "don't worry, I can help you with it if you want." you said, and Jeremy let a sigh of relief escape his mouth. "Thanks Y/N, I hope to soon repay you for everything you have done." he said sounding a little tired. "yeah but not now since you seem a little sleepy" you said with a smile on your face. "yeah-I will talk to you tommorow, bye." Jeremy said. You ended the call and went into your car, feeling proud of what you have just done.

[EDITTING] The Rabbit Suit [Glitchtrap × Reader] Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora