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You wake up one day to the sun shinning in your face, but that wasn't the only thing that woke you up. You glanced on the side of your bed and felt your eyes widen as you looked on a suits head.. Glitchtrap's head was now in front of you-so where was he and why was the suits head here? You heard some talking becoming louder so you shut your eyes, pretending to sleep. "It's too hot.." a voice said angrilly while walking into the room and picking up the item besides you. No one would pick that up if it didn't belong to them so the person talking must be Glitchtrap and whoever he was underneath the suit.. Or maybe someone broke into your house which was less likely-. You wanted to open your eyes but you didn't, you were too scared and besides, that didn't feel fair. "If only Y/N knew-That would make my whole life alot easier." he continued, "then I wouldn't have to boil in a suit-". You began to feel sorry for him, you couldn't imagine how hot it would be in that warm suit of his-especially in Summer. "Maybe if I disappeared for the Summer it would make it better.". He said,making you get up from your bed and open your eyes, "No! I-" you wanted to carry on but you couldn't.. Words escaped your mouth as you looked at the persons face..

The person seemed as shocked as you were, probably because they thought you were asleep while talking.. The room fell silent as you studied his face. The person in the suit looked a few years older than you, with dark brown hair and a pair of dark blue eyes that were now staring at you. The person looked pale, but his health condition seemed just fine.. You thought everything was alright, that was until you noticed a badge on his white buttoned up shirt. It was a badge with his name on it-'Dave M.' You couldn't help but turn your gaze over to the Silver Eyes Books you owned-was it him? "no.." you mumbled as you forced yourself to look at 'Dave'. "Y/N I can explain.." he said, placing Glitchtrap's head down on the floor and sitting next to you. You couldn't help but shuffle away, feeling somewhat unsafe with this whole situation.. "If that makes you safer then okay," he started to say and you put your head on your knees and focused on what he was saying without looking at him. "This isn't how I wanted you to find out but sooner or later you would find out anyways.. I am who you think I am but I can change who I am. I can be William Af-"

"Don't!" you said, shaking at that name. Did he really just offer to become a serial killer? You glanced at Dave from the corner of your eye and saw him nodd. "I understand. I have changed Y/N. It now feels that me in game and me in reality are different people." he said with a smile. You couldn't help but ask yourself, was he that different after all? You didn't know what he did when disappearing, maybe he killed kids in his spare time or while you slept? You shook your head at the thoughts and noticed that Dave was wearing the Glitchtrap suit now. "This might make it better" but then you shook your head and he took it off. But did it? You knew who he really was now, or atleast you had an idea of who Dave really was. "Please tell me this is all a joke and you just cosplay as Dave Miller.. Please tell me you don't go around torturing kids." you said while looking at him to work out what he was feeling. Dave drifted his eyes to a window and he looked outside, "no.." he said, sounding a bit on edge. Your eyes widened as you realized he was lying. Dave looked at you and shook his head, "no, no, Y/N I can e-". Before he could finish the sentence you threw a pillow at him, "l-leave" you stuttered as tears appeared in your eyes. "Y/N.." Dave said but you shook your head, "Leave!" you repeated. Dave wanted to touch your hand but didn't as he understood your command. He grabbed the Glitchtrap suit and put it on. Soon, he vanished, only leaving a green Glitching effect behind him. You layed on your bed and let out a sobbing noise as tears rolled down your red face.

You couldn't believe it was him out of everyone it could have been. Was this even real? Maybe he was a hallucination all along.. You couldn't believe that you got feelings for someone who had killed children in the past and maybe even still did, you didn't know and being honest you didn't want to know.. Although he seemed to be the bad person you thought he was, you couldn't help but wonder where he was now and if he would ever come back.. Dave must have got hurt by your words. "What have I done.." you mumbled regretting telling Dave to leave. What if he wouldn't come back? You shook your head and decided to do something to clear your mind,and that 'something' was to read a book on your bookshelf to forget about reality for a while. You got up and went to take a shower to start the day normally. After taking a shower, you got dressed into some comfortable clothes and went to the bookshelf and glanced at the books, thinking of which one to get and read.

You decided to read one of the Fazbear Frights books-One Step Closer. You have read the book series a while back but it had been a while since you have read them. You grabbed the book and sat on the couch, flicking to the first page and starting to read, stepping away from reality and entering a world of reading and creativity..

[EDITTING] The Rabbit Suit [Glitchtrap × Reader] Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang