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You wake up, holding your phone in one hand and a pillow in the other. You looked around,"did I fall asleep?" you asked yourself. "or maybe it was a dream?" you said, getting up from your bed and walking out of the room to check. You walked out of your room and walked over to the other room which belonged to Jeremy. You creaked the door open and looked in-nobody was inside. You sighed in relief and smiled, greatful that the encounter was a dream. You decided to walk downstairs but as you were celebrating it being all a dream, you noticed someone on the couch, reading a book. It was your book- from your house. You took a step closer and realized it was Glitchtrap. Your face went from happy to disappointed and you turned to walk back upstairs, hoping that if you fell asleep again, he would disappear but then you turned back around.

"hold up, how did you get that book?" you asked, wondering. It was the book about the human mind.. Why was he reading that?! For all you knew, he only cares about the adrenaline rush when killing kids. Glitchtrap bent over a page, marking where he was, and looked up at you. "I found it in your room." he said vaguely. You were speechless for a moment, but then you shook your head, "why were you in that room?"
Glitchtrap sat up from what seemed to be a comfy position for him and he looked at you, his eyes focusing once again, "it's a long story.." he started, and you sat next to him,not sure why. Yes he was probably dangerous and wanted to kill you, but your curiosity made you blind. "I have time for long stories." you replied with a faint smile on your head.

The rabbit looked at you, the head tilting to a side and then nodding, "mhm, okay.." he said, while looking at the book but then turning to face you once again, "I was trying to sleep to make time go faster as I do most of my life, but I couldn't since there was a noise coming from somewhere.. I went to check and it was coming from your room-.." he paused and looked away, snarling like a dog or some kind of creature,"your going to think I'm some kind of lunatic, forget it."he said, taking the book and standing up. You looked at him and grabbed his arm,"pleas-" you began to say, until he glared at you and grabbed a knife from his jacket, pointing it at you. You felt your eyes widen, and tears go down your eyes. You looked away and wiped your eyes, hoping he didn't notice but it was too late for that now. You looked up to see his anger fade away and the knife vanish into some purple particles which looked like dust. He sat back, reaching out to you but before he could touch you, you got up and walked upstairs with your stomach rumbling.

You walked into your temporary room and fell to your bed in tears. For all you knew, you could have died in that moment. You hugged the pillow and turned to face the window to look outside. ''People lead a normal life, why can't I? Out of everyone who has this game I got this virus.." you started ranting quietly so that no one out of the room could hear you. Suddenly, your phone buzzed-you knew the drill by now. The message was sent by Jeremy and it was a picture of him with the words 'hope your feeling good.' written beneath it. Such a small act made a smile appear on your face. You sighed, and replied with 'now I am, and you?'. After you sent it, there was a knock on the door and your happiness faded away. You had to deal with an insane killer rabbit-what was there to be happy about-?

You managed to remain calm enough to speak, "what do you want-?" you said, trying to not cry again-you didn't want to hear from someone who could have hurt you. "Y/N I'm.." Glitchtrap turned the door handle and was about to step in but you threw a pillow at the door, "STAY OUT!" you yelled, feeling unsafe but then regretting shouting.. Did he have another weapon-? You gathered up your thoughts while you heated him speak from behind the door, "This isn't ideal but if you feel safer this way then okay-.. Y/N I'm sorry for scaring you I just.. I'm not used to having someone around-."
"Then why stick around?" you asked, trying not to show any kind of emotion while speaking. Glitchtrap probably took a while to process what you asked before answering since it went quiet. "Y/N, I have to. We had a deal, and I can't stay in that game forever-. I have a plan, but it takes time." Glitchtrap finnaly replied with, as you layed down on a side and looked at your VR headset.

"Do you accept my apology?" he finnaly asked, his voice sounding wierd but you couldn't work out why. You sighed, "I need time to think about it-. Go to sleep while you wait for clarification since you didn't sleep.." you heard a grunt of some sort and footsteps heading into a room. You looked at the closed door and felt sorry for him.. Yes, he scared you but he needed time too. He probably wasn't used to human contact since the only thing he did with humans was kill them. Maybe that's why he was reading the book-? Maybe he wanted to change for the better..
You shook your head and looked at the ceiling, you were being stupid. 'A killer would never change, they have no emotions. Glitchtrap is just a crazy person in a suit, nothing more and nothing less' you scolded yourself, closing your eyes and wishing that things would just turn out to be a bad dream..

"I'm going to change..for you" was the last thing you heard before heading off to sleep once again.

[EDITTING] The Rabbit Suit [Glitchtrap × Reader] Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz