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The next day Dave decided to take a long walk to get to know the location better. You begged to go with him but he kept saying no, he said he had a reason he didn't want you to come. Soon enough, you got bored of asking so you were left alone. Since you had nothing better to do, you decided to clean up your apartment, it wasn't the most fun activity but it had to be done at some point. You started with sorting out clothes but you side-tracked from your work as your eyes trailed off to something else. In the corner, laying on the floor, was the rabbit suit. It looked like it was going to become dirty if it stayed on the floor so you decided to walk up to it and pick it up to then neatly put the suit and the head on your bed. You started walking away from the suit but something caught your eye once again. It was something yellow in a pocket. You walked back to the suit and looked at what caught your eye-it seemed to be a container. You looked around your room before grabbing the container to see what was hiding in the rabbit suit's pocket.

Your eyes widen.. You re-read the label on the container and you shook your head, "no, no, no.." you said to yourself as you shaked the container-nothing. You gathered your thoughts and started talking to yourself to calm yourself down, "it's okay-these pills are probably a prop, there was nothing in there before and there will not b-" you stopped talking as you heard the door open. You put the container back inside of the suit's pocket and walked to the door to see Dave. You walked to the living room and looked at Dave who was slowly making actions, which was unlike him. He locked the door and put the keys on the counter, and he stepped back from the door. He turned slowly to face you but he said nothing. Instead of saying something he walked to the kitchen while mumbling something. "Are you okay?" you asked, slowly walking to the kitchen. You heard a strange sound before you heard Dave with a somewhat angry voice yelling "GET AWAY!".

You jumped in fear and stepped a few steps back as you asked quietly, "what happened?". You heard a shelf slam shut before hearing a voice you felt so calm around until now... "G-GO AWAY-." he said sounding sad this time. You didn't know what to do. Should you do anything? You felt scared. You felt unsafe. You wanted to leave your apartment but the kitchen was on the way there, so you decided not to. You heard another strange noise which was followed by a grunt in pain. You shook your head and you got the courage to rush to the kitchen to check up on Dave. Once in the kitchen, you lost your words..

Dave stood near the counter with a small red puddle surrounding where he stood. "I-.. Dave?" you said his name as you kept a distance from him. 'Was it the pills? Oh no..' you thought in your head while you waited for a response. 'so those happy pills were real-' you said sadly in your head as Dave turned around to face you.
He had his hand behind him as he walked up to you with a sad smile. You backed away into a wall and Dave stopped walking, keeping a few steps of space between the two of you. He grunted in pain again before speaking, "Y/N.." he said quietly as he held the back of his hand that seemed to be bleeding. You walked to his side and tried looking at the hand but he moved away with a cry in pain. "what did you do?!" you asked, raising your voice because you were worried. You hoped he didn't break his hand or anything along those lines. You walked him to the living room while he gathered his thoughts. He stood and looked at the trail of blood, "oh shit.." he said without any emotion. You tilted your head and he looked at you, painting a fake smile on his face.

"Y/N.." he repeated again, this time looking into your eyes with tears. You looked at him and tried not to look upset as you waited for him to carry on. "I'm.." he started saying but then his eyes widened as he looked at you.. What was he looking at-? You looked behind you but nothing was there. You looked back at Dave and realized he had tears in his eyes.. What was wrong-? You wanted to ask if he could say it but you decided not to say anything and waited for Dave to speak. Dave let out a maniac sounding laugh before saying words that confused you..

"I'm sorry."

[EDITTING] The Rabbit Suit [Glitchtrap × Reader] Where stories live. Discover now