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Once both of you decided it was time to head back home, Jeremy walked you home, giving the excuse of 'it's the last time I see you for two weeks..' with a faint smile, so you couldn't say no. You two made small talk, but not much of it. Once at your door, you looked at Jeremy and nodded, "Thank y-" you began to say, before being interrupted. "no Y/N, I thank you.. For everything." He said as he walked up to you to give you a warm hug. You hugged him back with a smile, but the smile faded as you heard him sobbing. "Jeremy..?" you began to say, as he pulled away and wiped his tears. He didn't want to bother you.. You sighed, "I'm on the other end of the phone most of the time, so don't be afraid to message me if anything happens, alright?". Jeremy's face lit up but then something happened..

There was a loud gang on your street, and they looked at the two of you. The both of you glared back at them, trying to see what they were up to. They seemed to have something in their hands.. They started running towards your direction, but then they threw something at the two of you.
"Y/N, WATCH OUT!" Jeremy yelled. You thought you were going to die but thankfully Jeremy pushed you to the ground. You looked at your house and there was a loud thud, before a fire started. You and Jeremy both got up and walked away from the house, before calling the fire department aswell as the police to inform them about the situation.

It didn't take long for them to come by and tell you that 'you couldn't sleep in your house since its too dangerous'. You started worrying and sat down on a bench and started sobbing. Stress wasn't good for anyone.. Jeremy sat beside you and gave you a reasuring hug while the fire department group got the 'not effected' items out of your house and placed them next to the two of you. You peaked at the pile of items, most of it being the important everyday things.. And the Virtual Reality headset. "I wonder how that survived" Jeremy said, but you had no answer. You didn't know, and you didn't want to know. While clearing up your thoughts and trying to stay calm, the police quizzed Jeremy and asked about the gang that threw the item. Jeremy gave a somewhat clear description of them which you were shocked to hear since it was dark.. You could even barely see them walking up towards you and yet Jeremy knew their hair colour and the clothing brand.. Maybe you needed glasses-.

After the police drove off to try and find them and the fire department started gathering their things to leave, you and Jeremy made eye contact. "where am I going to stay.." you mumbles as you hit yourself in the face because of the anger. Jeremy pulled your hand away from your face, "don't worry about it, you can stay at mine for a while. I trust you in the house, I'm away anyways and I need someone to take care of my things." you looked at him as he spoke, imagining him as a life saver in a comic or something. You laughed at the thought,"thanks Jeremy."you said, as he took some of your stuff and started walking to his house-You followed him like a reluctant follower, but it was funny. You felt safe whenever around a friend.

It didn't take long for the two of you to get there. He opened the door and let you in first. His house was a little bigger than yours, which didn't surprise you since he got a better pay than you. The first room you entered was the main room, so the living room. Its walls were a light blue and had had paintings on it which looked expensive. There was a shelf with the virtual reality headset and a pile of virtual reality games, one of them being the newest Fnaf one. You turned to face him and smiled, "you're a life saver, you know?" he looked at you a bit surprised. "oh.. Thank you I guess!" Jeremy went into a corridor and then poked his head out, "are you coming?" he asked. You nodded and walked to the corridor and up the stairs, following him. He lead you into what seemed to be a guest room of some sort.
The walls were your F/C (Favourite Colour) but you didn't question it. It was a popular colour. The walls had posters on them and a clock on one of the walls. The bed was neatly done and had a little lamp on the desk near it. You put your stuff on the side and sat on the side of the bed, thinking how long you would actually have to stay here.. The renovations wouldn't be done too fast-. Your thoughts were cut off by Jeremy speaking, or him saying the answer, "You can stay here for as long as you like. You might not feel safe in your house because the people still might be lurking around.". You took the last bit that he said into
consideration, and then nodded. He was right, you didn't feel safe.

Jeremy smiled and said,"It's getting late, if you need anything I will be in the room across today. After that, message me since I will be away." and then he walked out, leaving you in your temporary room. Before going to sleep, you decided to put your clothes in the wardrobe located across the wall to your bed and then put your vr headset and the hand controls on the table near your bed. It was a rough day and you wanted to sleep as soon as possible.. "The sooner the better'' you mumbled, closing the door and heading off to sleep.

[EDITTING] The Rabbit Suit [Glitchtrap × Reader] Where stories live. Discover now