Oro Bianco

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Note: btw I don't know if you're familiar with this, but Damiano is also a huge fan of trap/rap music, so you should definitely listen to him performing this type of music. He's talented for everything! Also, thank you for reading, voting and commenting on my stories - you really make my day!


The tension could have been cut by a knife and it didn't make things any easier neither for Amelia nor Damiano. The rest of the group had distanced themselves a bit and trailed behind the two in hopes that they would start a decent conversation, but it was pointless.

"Okay, this would be your spot.", Amelia had led them to the room which she had previously organized. "This is where you can change, practice and just chill."

She felt a burden on her chest from Damiano's behavior and she had realized that Thomas wasn't right when he had given her false hope regarding the boy's feelings. Being this close to him but still not being able to hug him was the worst feeling she could have and the magical experience she had expected had quickly turned into a nightmare.

"Thank you, Amelia.", Vic had tried to ease up the tension, but it was pointless. "We hope that you'll be joining us the whole time."

Amelia offered a weak smile, although her miserable feelings were evident. "I don't want to bother you guys. You have so much commitments now."

"You're always welcome here. Regardless.", and that was the most decent thing Damiano had said to her the whole tour. "You're going to be around us all the time, anyway."

"Okay, sure.", she nodded. "So, you can leave your equipment here and then we need to go and meet up with the rest of the competitors."

"Oooh, exciting.", Thomas had commented and quickly positioned his guitar and another backpack in the corner of the room. "I can't wait to see who we're competing against."

"Oh my gosh, can you be any more annoying?", Ethan had rolled his eyes at his friend and they had started messing around and pushing each other playfully.

Amelia had been watching in awe and wondering how the rest of them accepted it normally, that Ethan and Thomas had been pushing each other and arguing.

"These two are like puppies, don't mind them.", Vic had noticed her looks and laughed at her reaction. "This is something you get used to eventually."

"Good to know.", Amelia responded. "Now, if you're settled, let's go."

After the meeting with the rest of the contestants, the group had gone to the "practice /chill room", as they have named it and Amelia had announced that she had to go finish some more errands, and given Vic her number so that she can call her when they wish to leave to the hotel.

"Oh no, why don't you stay and listen to some of our songs?", Ethan whined. "It will be fun and Thomas and I won't fight anymore, I promise."

"You wish.", Thomas glared at him jokingly and Ethan flipped him off.

"I would love to, but I really need to report to Alessandra and then finish some paperwork before we leave."

Actually, I would love to stay but the man that I've been missing for seven months has been ignoring me and I don't want to feel heartbroken every time I am near him.

"Then you gotta be at the hotel with us tonight! We're gonna have a small celebration in our room, since we've come this far.", Vic was desperately trying to include her in every part of their activities as if she had been in the band the whole time.

The boys had agreed with that decision, except for Damiano, who had not given any response, but instead was sitting on the corner of the sofa, strumming on Vic's guitar and smoking a cigarette.

IPNOTIZZANTE - Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now