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Her eyes were filled with tears, her heart pounding like crazy, awaiting to jump out of her chest. She hated any types of arguments or misunderstandings between people, they would always make her nervous and anxious. That evening, her smile had disappeared and her happiness has been replaced with sadness and anxiety. 

She was fighting with Niccolo.

He had attacked her because of the night they've had dinner. He was already suspicious due to Damiano's reaction and Amelia fainting as soon as she had seen him. The jacket was another suspicious thing for him, but that day, he had decided to ignore it since he thought that it just might be an old piece of clothing she maybe had gotten for one of her birthdays, or from an ex, but the last straw which had pushed him over the edge... Were the photos that he had seen on her phone. It had happened accidentally, they were laying in bed together at Niccolo's apartment, talking about business, their friends and plans for vacation next year, when she was trying to show him some photos from an old vacation place she had visited a few years before. She was scrolling through her camera roll, completely forgetting that her phone was filled with photos from ESC. Above all, photos with Damiano. 

As soon as he had seen the photos of them hugging, holding hands and drinking together, Niccolo had gone mad, especially because Amelia had lied to him about not knowing the man which had walked out of the restaurant after her dramatically, when it turned out they had known each other very well. 

"Why did you lie to me?!", he had yelled at her from the other side of the bedroom, while she was standing near the windows. 

"I didn't want to lie, I just thought that it wouldn't be important, Niccolo!", her body was shaking. "I know him, okay, I know him!"

"Did you do anything with him while we're together?",  he asked, angrily.

"No!", she scoffed. "I haven't seen Damiano in a year. And suddenly, he appears in my life again and I just got stressed out." 

There was a moment of silence between them, before Niccolo had spoken again. "You still love him, don't you?"

Amelia stayed silent. Truth is, she wasn't sure. She wasn't sure whether she wanted to feel anything for Damiano, she didn't want to get hurt again and she didn't want to go through the same things as before, which had seemed more possible now that he had become a celebrity. 

Niccolo laughed sarcastically. "Of course. How fucking stupid I am!", he punched the door which made Amelia startle. "I could never replace your little rockstar toy!"

"He is not my toy!", she had tried to defend herself, but had realized that she only made things worse. "I never wanted to hurt you, Niccolo."

"Too late now, Amelia.". Niccolo groaned. "Get the fuck out of here, we're over.", he picked up her clothes from the floor and threw it on her. "I don't want to see you anymore!"

Amelia dropped the clothes back on the floor and started walking towards him, but he had stopped her. "Please, Niccolo, it's not what you think..."

"Don't, Amelia. Don't.", he then pulled out his phone and showed her the photo Damiano had posted with the heartmelting description. Her eyes filled with tears and she couldn't believe what she was going through. 

All of this just because of a boy. Just a boy from Rome, with dark eyes, dark hair, tall and slim figure and a smile which could light up the world and break your heart at the same time. Damiano David, I hate you. 

Disappointed and without any responses which could change Niccolo's mind, completely defeated and hurt, she had put on her clothes and walked out of the door without a word. 

It was the middle of the night, and she had nobody to call in those ungodly hours. Niccolo was always the one who would take her out or call her a taxi for any routes that she had wanted to take. Now, there was not a car in sight and she still didn't know that part of Rome very well. Bus stations didn't work and her battery was extremely low, so she wouldn't even be able to make a call to anybody. 

Oh shit... What do I do now? 

She was walkind down the half-lit street, between the buildings, without anyone in sight. Everything was awfully peaceful and calm. She wasn't used to that anytime, and she wasn't used to feeling this alone and hurt. She was cursing the day when she had met Damiano and made the decision of getting close to him.

I knew that boy was trouble from the moment that I saw him entering that stupid cafe, in that stupid city, with those big, beautiful, rimmed stupid eyes and that stupid jacket and that fucking seductive voice... 

She had sounded funny even to herself, and instead of built-up sadness, she was beginning to feel lonely and angry at the same time. She wanted to see him, regardless of everything. That was the truth. She loved him still and she knew that no man could ever replace the feeling that he had given to her. 

This wasn't a fight with Niccolo, this is an inner fight. A fight with myself. A battle between my head and my heart, and my heart is in the leading position, and I hate myself for it, but that's the truth. Damiano will always be the man who holds my heart and can so easily break it while holding it in his hands.

Then she had heard the sound of a car engine from behind her, and it had suddenly stopped right on the street beside her. The person had rolled down their window and Amelia had the need to nervously look at the driver, so that she can decide whether she should start running for her life or calmly explain the person that she is not interested in a ride with a stranger. 

That moment, she had realized that her mind had greater power over her life, regardless of her pessimism and disbelief in so many other things. 

"Principessa, may I offer you a ride home?" 

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