Torna a Casa

943 41 10

September 2022, Roma, IT

"I was thinking about something...", Damiano had said, leaning onto the soft chair he was sitting on, while him and Amelia were drinking their afternoon coffee. "Maybe you could move in with us."

Amelia almost spat out her coffee at the proposal. "What?" 

"You can maybe move in with us. I mean, you are alone in the house and I do understand how much this place means to you and how sentimentaly valuable it is, but... All of us would really like to have you here."

"Oh, Dami...", she cooed as she slowly walked up to him and sat on his lap. "You know I like spending time with you guys, too, and that I am not against sharing all of this space, but... I can't. I am not ready yet. I have just gathered all of my strength to move in here and leave everything behind, and I just can't throw it away like that. The house is like a piece of me.", she explained. 

Damiano nodded. "I understand that. I am sorry, mi amore.", he kissed her passionately. "I have an idea."

"What kind?", Amelia asked curiously. 

"You'll see in a few hours, mi amore.", he winked and picked her up from his lap as he got up as well. Amelia screamed in joy again while she was in his arms and he threw her onto the couch playfully. "I need you to be happy."

She looked at him, confused and excited at the same time. "I am happy, Dami."

He caressed her cheek and looked deeply into her eyes. "I need you to always be happy. With or without me. But preferrably with me."

She rolled her eyes. "What are you up to now?"

He sat down next to her, as she also sat straight up. "Our tour is beginning soon. And... I am sorry that you can't come with us."

"It's okay, baby. I have to work, and besides, singing is your job as well. You have a commitment and I am not going to ever stand between you and music. Music is what got us together anyway.", she smiled. "But why do you sound like that?"

"I just want you to know that, no matter how far apart we are and how much work we both have, I really love you and you never leave my mind."

Amelia was touched by his gentle words and the love that he carried for her. She knew he was born to be a poet, an artist, but what she was not completely aware of until that moment was that he was pure art as well, and she was his muse. 

"I need to go settle something, and you stay there, don't move.", he insisted and ran upstairs before she could ask anything. 

She laughed and rolled her eyes at his behavior, then took her favorite book, laid on the couch and drowned herself in the sea of emotions that the novel brought. Maybe an hour later, Damiano was back in the room, looking at her with a smirk on his face. 

Amelia had noticed his presence and took her eyes off the novel. "What is it, baby? What were you doing?"

Damiano said nothing, but instead offered her his hand and smiled at the sight of her confused face while she was putting the book down and following him, hand in hand. 

She followed him upstairs, towards the bathroom, and she was puzzled by the fact that he had led her to the closed door and just stood next to her, still silent. "Damiano, what game are we playing now? I feel a bit tired and-"

"Good. So, this will be helpful for the both of us.", before she could continue, he had opened the door slowly and her eyes had widened at the sight. The bathroom light was switched off, but the space was lit up by dosens of candles all around the floor and the large bathtub. The tub was filled with water, bubbles and rose petals with a board leaned onto it, at the corner of the tub, with two glasses of wine, bottle and a laptop on. "Surprise, mi amore."

She was out of words at the romantic and sweet gesture, so she had just jumped into his arms and kissed him until they were out of breath. "I love you. This is amazing."

"Take off your clothes, baby, we're about to enjoy.", he smirked and started taking off his shirt. His actions were soon followed by Amelia and within the next few moments, they were sitting in the filled bathtub, drinking wine and talking about their life together. 

Hours had passed and they barely even noticed. They were intoxicated by love and the alcohol that they had consumed that evening. Happiness and relaxation overflood them and they felt as if the moments they were together were the most beautiful ones they have ever had. 

"I love you, Amelia. I really do.", Damiano had said, kissing her bare back while she was leaning onto him. "And I wish I don't have to leave you."

"I love you, too, Dami.", she moved smaller strings of hair from her neck. "And I understand the whole situation. It doesn't matter. Just torna a casa, por favore."

"I will. Every time. I promise.", he kissed her neck and started moving towards her shoulders and arms. His hands had slowly started massaging her back, gently, so that her skin trembled under his touch. 

They have ended the night by making love in the bedroom one last time before he had to go on tour. And she so desperately wanted him to come back as soon as possible. "Damiano...", she whispered while laying on his chest. 

"Si, mi amore?", he kissed her forehead. 

It took her a few moments to gather the courage to say those words, but she knew that waiting would be a desparate and worthless decision, especially since they already knew they were soulmates from the start. She wanted to do it, she felt as if she wouldn't make a mistake and that he would do his best to make everything possible for her. So she said it. 

"I do."

IPNOTIZZANTE - Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now