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Corinne walked into the room to see Erik and Shaw, she watched as Erik put on the helmet. She shook her head, "Erik, I know he killed your mother but please," she begged. "Please don't do this," he turned around and stared at her angrily. He grabbed onto Corinne's arm and quickly pulled her close. "Don't you understand what I'm trying to do?" he scoffed. "All of this, is for us and the other mutants out there to be safe," he muttered. Corinne blinked confused and quickly held onto her head as she lashed out making the whole ground shake. 

She stared at Shaw before looking back at Erik, Erik grabbed a coin and quickly Corinne tried to push it away. "Erik, if you do this," she started. He pushed a piece of metal and trapped her against the wall. "Erik!" she shouted, he applied pressure on the piece of metal squeezing her neck. Corinne gasped for air desperately trying to push it back but he was too strong, "Erik," she rasped, "I-I can't breathe," she quickly closed her eyes and felt the metal piece drop. 

Corinne gasped and breathed heavily before coughing out, she then realized Shaw was dead. She shook her head in disbelief, Erik stared at her and sighed, "It was the only way," he muttered. Corinne quickly walked towards him and tackled him onto the ground, "Charles was right," she cried, "Charles was right!" she repeated. Erik shook his head and quickly sat up, he stared at Corinne for a moment before touching the side of her face.

"Was he dear?" Erik started, "We will never be accepted in society if you think like that," he said gently. "Don't you hate when people stare at you oddly every time you go out?" he asked curiously. Corinne held her breath and nodded slowly, she didn't like getting the stares. The stares of disgust. "They will treat us like monsters if we don't do anything about it," Erik said tenderly, he wrapped his arms around her and quickly sighed before standing up.

 "The real enemy are the humans Corinne, not Shaw," Erik muttered, "So will you join me?" he asked, his voice filled with ambition and hope. Corinne stared at him for awhile before nodding reluctantly. This was the only way, this was the only way she could have a family, to live in peace. Oh Corinne, why? Corinne watched as Erik lifted Shaw's body out and dropped it onto the ground. She then landed onto the ground. She caught Alex's gaze, he stared at her in disbelief, she looked away ashamed. 

She then glanced at Erik, "They're going to kill us because they're afraid of what we can do," Erik said softly. Erik looked at Charles, "My fellow mutants, it is time to fight back!" he shouted. Corinne then looked at Erik who nodded, "Go on Charles, tell me I'm wrong" he said. Charles placed his fingers on the side of head and stared at the boats in disbelief. He looked at Moira and nodded, she ran back to ship. Corinne watched as the ships prepared to fire, she felt her heart racing as the missiles headed towards them. 

Corinne raised her arm and Erik did the same before looking at her impressed, she held the missiles in the air. She then watched as Erik flipped them back towards the fleet, Corinne dropped her arm down and shook her head, "Erik no," she whispered. Erik looked back at her, his eyes gazed with anger. Charles then looked at Erik, "Erik, you said it yourself, we're the better men," Charles said quickly. "This is the time to prove it!" he added. 

Charles opened his mouth to continue but Corinne interrupted him, "Erik if you do this they will hate us forever," she muttered. Erik didn't look back and ignored her, she felt her hands shaking as she crouched down. "They're just following orders!" Charles shouted. She watched as Erik's eyes flashed with pain, "I've been at the mercy of men just following orders, never again," he opened his palm and shot all the missiles back. 

"Why aren't you stopping him?" Charles asked, "You have the power to!" he shouted angrily. Corinne blinked and shook her head before looking at the ground, Charles then went up and tackled Erik onto the ground. Corinne watched as everyone walked towards them and she pushed them away, "I'm sorry," she said, she then looked at Charles who stared at her in disbelief. "But Erik is right," Corinne whispered, "We will never be treated equally unless we fight for it," 

She quickly raised the missiles in the air, Corinne then felt a blast of pain throughout her body. The missiles dropped on the ground. She screamed as she fell onto the ground, Alex walked towards her and shook his head in disbelief, "Rinne, I thought you were better than that," he whispered. She felt the burn sting and she cried out in pain, Alex rushed towards her and quickly shook his head in disbelief, "I'm sorry," he muttered before staring at her gently. Corinne rolled her eyes before feeling the burn sting, she felt tears in her eyes. 

"God Alex, that fucking hurt are you out of your fucking mind or something why would you hit me?" she shouted angrily, Alex flinched and his eyes widened in shock. He shook his head and quickly frowned, "I-I didn't- I didn't mean to hurt you," he whispered, his hands were shaking and Corinne watched as he stared at her nervously. "Rinne, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he said quickly, "I didn't mean to-" he had tears in his eyes, "I had to Rinne you were going to- but I- you know I didn't mean to," he continued, he wiped his eyes and quickly stared at her desperately. 

Corinne closed her eyes and winced in pain as Alex held onto her, "Please, please, I'm so sorry," he whispered before lowering his head, "I'm sorry," he repeated. Corinne blinked and opened her eyes, she sat up and looked at Alex, she placed her hand on the side of his face and he stared at her, tears in his eyes. "Hey, my love, it's okay," she whispered softly before placing her forehead on his, "It's okay," she repeated gently. 

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