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"Sorry for barging in like that," Carter muttered before looking at Corinne, Corinne couldn't believe it. After all this time, he was alive? How could she have not known? "It's no problem," Sophie said with a polite smile, "You're Corinne's brother aren't you?" she asked before looking at Corinne. Corinne nodded and looked away, "How did you find me?" she suddenly asked, she could feel her hands shaking. 

Carter stared at Corinne evenly as she stood up from the dining table, "I'm a mutant Corinne, I have my ways," he muttered with a sly smile. Corinne shook her head and sighed before looking at Sophie, "Could we have a moment?" she asked, she looked at Alex who was already getting out of his seat. He patted Corinne's back lightly before leaving the room with Scott, Sophie closed the door and soon it was only Carter and herself in the room. "What did you do?" she asked slowly. 

"I told you, I have my way-" Corinne slammed her hands on the table angrily and looked at him evenly. Carter gave her a certain look and frowned, "Who told you I was here?" Corinne asked loudly. Her brother blinked and shook his head confused, "I don't remember- It was all-" Corinne grabbed onto the collar of his shirt and scoffed. "Tell me!" she shouted, "Tell me who!" she snapped. Carter sighed and looked away, "I went to this school, it was for mutants, the professor there let me use Cerebro and I was able to find you," he said, "I saw a picture of you there," he added. 

Corinne sighed and looked away, he wasn't lying, did he use his ability on Charles though? "How did you use Cerebro, you don't have telepathy," she muttered confused. Carter laughed and Corinne stared at him angrily, "You've changed," he whispered, "Charles Xavier helped me," he said. "And no, I did not threaten anyone Coco, I'm not that type of person anymore-" he paused. Carter then sighed before looking away, "Who are these people, why are you here?" he then asked. 

"It was Scott's birthday party before you interrupted us," Corinne muttered, Carter looked at her surprised and stared at her apologetically. "Sorry, and- why are you at some kid's party?" he asked confused, "Do you live here now or something?" Corinne blinked and let go of his shirt and quickly stepped back. "No, Alex's my boyfriend," she muttered. Carter's eyes widened with curiosity, "Well, well, how quaint," he said with a smirk, "Can I talk to him?" he asked slowly. Corinne gave Carter a certain look, "Don't you dare, I will kill you." she warned. 

Carter let out a laugh, "Can you though?" he asked with a wink, Corinne frowned and quickly lifted a comic book that was on the ground. She then felt a cool shiver down her spine and immediately couldn't move. Corinne stared at Carter evenly before closing her eyes, his time freeze wasn't going to work on her anymore. She opened her palm and focused on his aura, she quickly flicked her fingers making him stumble, he coughed out blood and wiped it off of his mouth impressed. "You got better," he muttered, "We should fight some time, maybe not right now though," he said. 

Corinne rolled her eyes, "Come on, I'll introduce you to Alex," she said before grabbing onto his arm and dragging him out of the dining room. Corinne caught Alex's gaze, and it seemed like he was looking at some comic Scott was reading. "What happened?" he asked as he stood up and walked towards Corinne, he wiped her face and showed her a bloodstain. "Did you-" he started, Corinne looked at Carter who grinned. "No, it's fine," she said, "Carter," she called, Carter walked towards the two and smiled. 

"So you're the guy who drives my sister crazy," Carter muttered before giving Corinne a wink, "What are you doing to her man, what are you doing?" he asked before patting Alex's back lightly. Alex pulled away and stared at him angrily, "Don't touch me," he muttered. Corinne frowned and sighed, she opened her mouth to say something but Carter continued, "You seem like a good guy," his eyes glinted and Corinne felt the sudden chill again. Carter smiled while Corinne felt her heart racing and a wave of pain throughout her head. 

 "A lot of people say that," Alex started, "Stop hurting her," he grabbed onto Carter's arm and Carter blinked in pain before looking at Corinne. Corinne winced and coughed out before crouching onto the ground, "It's okay, it's oka-" she held her stomach and suddenly felt sick. She rushed into the bathroom and closed the door before throwing up, Corinne heard a knock at the door. "Are you okay?" she recognized Sophie's voice and Corinne nodded as she flushed the toilet. She washed her face before leaning over the sink, what was that? Why did she feel so weak all of the sudden? 

Corinne fixed her hair and noticed the small scratch on her face, she wiped the blood off and sighed. It's been years since she's felt Carter using his ability on her, his ability was time manipulation and while he does that, he's able to also injure his opponent. Some may say it's cool but she didn't think it was nice at all. It was horrible, her head ached with pain and she sighed, "Can I come in?" Sophie asked, Corinne nodded and opened the door to let Sophie come inside.  

"My dear, how are you?" she asked gently, Corinne sighed and smiled before shaking her head politely. With all the years she's been with Alex, she's noticed that his mother was always kind to her. No matter what happened, "I'm fine Sophie, just that was weird," she whispered. "I never get nauseous," she said before frowning, "Do you know why that might've happened?" Corinne asked before looking at Sophie. 

Sophie sighed, "Well, that depends, sometimes you get injured and when you do, you can feel nauseous," she muttered, "But if what you said is true then I think you need to check with a doctor," Sophie said with a light smile. Corinne nodded and looked away before sighing, she then walked out of the bathroom. "Thanks," she whispered before noticing Alex and Carter arguing over something. She grabbed onto a stray pencil and quickly used her ability to throw it onto the wall, making both of them flinch. They both looked at her and she smiled, perfect. 

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