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Corinne winced in pain as she stood up, it's been years since Cuba. Years since Erik and Raven left, she sighed in disappointment before standing up and walking towards the exit of her room. "Hey! Did you hear? Some people are getting shipped out for the war today? I got chosen," a voice said as she walked through the hallways. She blinked confused, more people getting shipped out?

Why mutants though? Corinne then caught Hank's gaze, he looked a little disappointed. "Corinne," he started before looking away. Corinne frowned, "Did you hear? People are getting shipped out," Hank muttered in disappointment. Just when they started the school the government decides to ship everyone out to war. She sighed, "Yeah, I know," she whispered, "It sucks," she knew that she wasn't going to be shipped out though.

"Who's shipping out today?" she asked curiously, Hank gave her a certain look and a wave of fear shivered through her body, "Toad, Ink, Havok, and some other mutants," Hank muttered staring at her apologetically. Corinne blinked and shook her head in disbelief, "Alex?" she whispered, "What do you mean?" she asked. "Can't he- can't he stay here?" she asked loudly. "Please?" she begged. "Can't we convince them? Hank please, he could die out there,"

"Corinne, I'm sorry but there's nothing we can do," Hank sighed, "It's already been decided, they leave tomorrow," he muttered. Corinne frowned and looked outside, the sun was setting. She stared at Hank, "Are you sure there's nothing we could do?" she asked slowly. Alex was going to leave tomorrow, what was she supposed to do? "I'm sorry Corinne," he said before patting her shoulder lightly and walking away. Corinne stood still for a second before feeling her heart racing.

She quickly turned around and headed to Alex's room, she closed her eyes and held her breath before knocking on the door. "Come in!" she heard Alex call out. Corinne opened the door to see Alex laying on his bed throwing a ball up and down. He looked at her and quickly sat up after placing the ball in his drawer, "Corinne," he muttered softly. Corinne smiled and walked inside the room after closing the door gently. "Alex," she whispered, "Is it true? You're leaving tomorrow?" she asked quickly.

Alex stared at her for awhile before finally nodding, Corinne frowned and stared at him sadly. She then held her breath for a second before sighing, "I don't know since you're leaving tomorrow I thought I'd come and well, I don't know- talk to you about something because Alex, I need to know," she started, she felt her heart racing. He gave her a curious look, Corinne breathed out and looked away, "Why didn't you tell me you were going to leave? Alex, don't you know I love you, and you're just leaving without even telling me," she stammered. 

"I can't-uh, uh- I can't live without you Alex, you mean the world to me," she started, he stood up and walked towards her curiously. "Alex, please, if you leave I don't know, I don't know what I'd do," she whispered softly. Corinne grabbed onto his hands and he stared at her gently, "Rinne, I promise I'll do whatever I can to come back," Alex muttered lightly. Corinne blinked and shook her head slowly, "Alex," she whispered gently. He sighed and leaned in closer to her. 

She felt satisfaction as she felt his lips on hers, he kissed her before bringing his hand to the back of her neck. Corinne kissed back passionately as she wrapped her arms around him, she pulled away and shook her head in disbelief. Alex grinned and kissed her forehead lightly, "Rinne, I love you," he whispered, "And if you told me to not leave, I wouldn't have chosen to leave," Corinne blinked confused and stared at him surprised. 

"You chose to leave?" she asked confused, "Why- Alex, why would you do that?" she started before pulling away from him. Corinne shook her head, and he stared at her with a certain look. "Rinne, tell me what would happen if I didn't leave? Stay here with Charles who's not at the right place, Hank who decided to hide who he was?" Alex asked, "Why don't you come with me?" he added, his voice filled with despair. 

Corinne shook her head and looked away, "Alex, I have responsibilities here," she whispered, "I have to take care of Charles, don't you understand? Everyone he's ever known left him, Erik, Raven, he's upset, and now everyone here is leaving," she said. "I know how it feels to be abandoned and I won't let that happen to him," Corinne stared at Alex who seemed to disagree with her, she frowned. "Can we not fight?" she asked slowly. 

"Okay," Alex muttered before looking away, "I just don't agree with you," he said, "You're acting as if Charles is more important than fighting for our country," Corinne blinked and quickly shook her head before holding her breath. "You could die out there Alex," she whispered, "I don't want to lose you," Corinne stared at him and he looked back at her, he nodded and quickly wrapped his arms around her. "If this is what you think is right than, do it," she said, "Just promise me you'll come back?" 

Alex stared at her and nodded slowly, "I promise," he whispered, "I'll do whatever I can," Corinne nodded and hugged him before feeling tears in her eyes. "I'm going to miss you," she sighed before bringing her hand to the top of his head. She then pushed him lightly towards the bed, "Corinne," Alex teased as she hovered over him. Corinne grinned and kissed him passionately before going to take off her shirt, Alex then grabbed onto her arm quickly making her pause for a moment. 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked before sitting up, he pulled her towards his lap and she nodded quickly. "Of course I do," she whispered. Alex leaned in and kissed her gently before taking his shirt off. Corinne stared at him for awhile before quickly looking away, he pulled her close and she rolled her eyes. "I'm never leaving you," he muttered, "I'll never leave you, I love you Rinne," he whispered. Corinne nodded and wiped the tears off her face before smiling, she loved him too. 

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