Chapter 4 - Combat training 1vs1

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Over the past few days, Izuku had been talking frequently to Kyoka due to the way she was usually treat by Bakugo as he knew her struggles and had been on the receiving end of multiple beatings from the bully. However, Bakugo had been furious since Izuku had interfered and saved Kyoka from a beating at his hands. He was always trying to start a fight with him every chance he got, for instance one time Izuku was sitting doing his work in lesson to perfect standard and Bakugo kept going over trying to provoke him. He even tried mentioning Izuku's dead parents but this only succeeded in making their next face off more personal than it already was. Fortunately for the pair, some training was right around the corner which would show just what the two were made of.

Aizawa walked into the classroom where everyone was sat in their seats and prepared for his surprise announcement.

"So, hero training will be different than usual today, we will be conducting 1 vs 1 fight scenarios to prepare you for the inevitability of fighting villains head on. With that being said, everyone change into your hero costumes and head to gym gamma." After being given their orders, the heroes in training grabbed their gear and went to the changing rooms to equip all their gear. However, Izuku simply made his way to his dorm room and pulled a book lever that revealed a hidden compartment housing his suit and gadgets. Not wanting to keep everyone waiting, he suited up as quickly as possible and grabbed the essentials gadgets he thought he would need.

About 10 minutes later at Gym Gamma

"Ok you bunch of pains in my ass, I will be choosing who goes against who in these match ups and Cementos has kindly given help to create this battle arena containing many rock formations, small tunnels, high ground and ledges to see how you fair against an opponent on uneven terrain. So without further ado and because I'm seriously in dire need of coffee, the first pair will be Bakugo and Midoriya. The rules are as follows, the opponent must be either captured with the tape provided or another means suck as a knock out or being unable to move." The two then stepped forward into the area ready to fight and settle a score that has been building for over a decade.

Neither was making their move yet but were both ready to go at a moments notice. Bakugo cocked his gauntlets and Izuku cracked his knuckles before switching on his detective vision to quickly analyse the grenade gauntlets. Aizawa then declared the match on and everyone else watched in anticipation.

"Just give up before it starts Deku, you're nothing compared to me!" Bakugo yelled trying to scare the Bat but he would soon find out he should fear him. He received no reply from Izuku but just an icy glare.

"Oh so you're gonna ignore and look down on me are you freak?!" He yelled enraged. Before anyone could recognise what was going on, Bakugo was charging straight for Izuku but little did they know this was his plan. As soon as he was close enough, Bakugo threw a right hook towards his opponent while putting all his weight into it but Izuku side stepped him, pulled his arm to bring him more off balance and punched him directly in the face to send him to the floor.

'How did he know?' Bakugo thought to himself as he clenched his jaw while hurt like hell after nearly being shattered.

Once he got back to his feet, Bakugo tried firing off some AP shots at Izuku but he took out his grappling gun to swing around and use the surrounding to his advantage as a defence. After blasting apart about a quarter of the structures, Bakugo stopped to search for Izuku but could not see him anywhere. While looking around, two small objects rolled from different directions towards Bakugo's feet before stopping about an inch away before emitting a high pitch screeching noise causing Katsuki to grip his ears to stop the pain. While he was distracted, Izuku changed his cover and threw a micro emp at the left gauntlet to deactivate it. Bakugo then stomped on the sound emitters to regain his hearing before looking around again.

"Too scared to fight me straight up are you, you quirkless bastard?!" He yelled at the top of his lungs before trying to take flight. However, his left gauntlet was not working so he wasn't able to produce equal sized explosions which comprised his flying. Taking advantage of this, Izuku dived onto Katsuki and started controlling the direction of flight. The pair began rocketing around the arena causing lots of the class to panic while Aizawa was just chilling with his espresso. Bakugo managed to turn himself to face Izuku and kick him off of him to regain control. But as this was happening, Izuku reached into his utility belt for some small smoke pellets which he set off during the interaction in the air.

"What the hell?!" Katsuki yelled before being hit in the face with a batarang, stunning him. Once again taking advantage, Izuku used his batclaw to grab him and yank him violently out of the air directly into a spinning kick to the stomach, winding the explosion user. He then marched over and ripped the gauntlets off of his arms and throwing them away before proceeding to pick up Katsuki and deliver a series of strikes to his chest and face. However, his last punch was caught while Bakugo charged an explosion but was stopped when Izuku grabbed his fingers and snapped them with a loud crunch. This resulted in a vicious scream of pain from Bakugo as he clasped his broken fingers in agonising pain. He then turned with the last of his strength to try attacking with his other hand only to be met with a deadly barrage of strikes:

After unloading the flurry of blows, Izuku bent down and punched Katsuki in his knee joints effectively breaking his legs. This once again caused a horrific scream from the hot headed explosion user. But Izuku wasn't done yet. He tied the line of his grapnel gun around Bakugo's ankles and stretched the cable out a bit before taking a stance and activating the grapnel which brought Bakugo airborne. It was here, Izuku started spinning and slammed Bakugo into multiple rock and stone structures until he was nearly unconscious.

Katsuki laid in a pile of rubble with multiple broken bones, a bust nose and bruises all over. Then, a dark figure stepped over to him and grabbed him by the collar of his costume which was already hard to breathe in now. Izuku then pulled his face closer to his and stared into his soul.

"That was for Kyoka and all the others you bullied." He began, "You think you're superior to everyone but the biggest problem you have is your ego and attitude. You think everyone is beneath you but a quirkless person just kicked your ass." His grip lessened, "but I didn't have to go easy on you. A more precisely placed batarang, more fatal strikes to vital organs, a higher pitch. I want you to remember this and I want to remind you not to look down on anyone for their personality or quirk. In the years to come in your life in your most private moments, I want you to remember the one quirkless person who beat you." He said before knocking out Bakugo and disappearing into a cloud of dense smoke.

AN - Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry it took a bit. Hopefully you did enjoy and look forward to the next chapter. See you in the next one :) 

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