Chapter 35 - Tested

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Batman had spent the past few weeks looking for the Joker chasing a trail of bodies, destruction and chaos. He was no closer to catching the mad man than when he first met him. He must have some kind of weakness. A way to get to him at least. Kyoka had been trying to comfort him when possible it Izuku was becoming so frustrated with all that the Joker had been doing. He was in his head. Was this his fault? Did his presence invite this agent of chaos?

Izuku stood in the Batcave staring at his suit in its container. Looking into his true self, contemplating.

"Izu, what are you doing?" Kyoka asked him, walking up to her boyfriend and hugging him.

"I'm just thinking. Thinking about just what I'm dealing with. He is killing so many people. He needs to be stopped for the sake of the city." He said, looking straight into the 'mask' of his suit.

"The Joker is a maniac but you will stop him. You always stop them." She replied, giving him a kiss on the cheek and then walked off to study for her heroics lesson later on. Once she left Izuku looked to the cowl.

"It's not the Joker that is the cause of these deaths."

Later that night

Batman stood perched over the city on top of a skyscraper, patrolling for anything that could lead to Joker. Fortunately for him and unfortunately for the city, it didn't take long for him to find Joker. An 18 wheeler truck sped through the streets, pursued by police vehicles and helicopters. Cars were rammed out of the way and inside the trailer, shooting back at the police was the clown himself. The jester of genocide. Not wanting to waste any time, Batman sprung into action, fastening up his gliding suit and then jumping off of the building.

(0:34 - 1:00)

As he was approaching the truck, a small parachute deployed, slowing his descent and allowing him to land on the roof of the trailer with a thud. Along the side, the phrase 'Slaughter is the best medicine' was written and the side of the trailer opened up to reveal a group of armed enemies. They moved to the edge and pointed their weaponry up to the top but there was nothing in sight. That was until they saw the flash of some eyes glaring into their souls one moment and then in the time it took the light of a lamppost to shine on them, the eyes were gone. They all remained silent, moving around the trailer, avoiding gunshots from cops and looking for any sign of the masked nightmare. And then they spotted him...

The Batmobile rammed through the top half of the trailer mid air and straight through to the other side. Batman steadied the car as it landed back down on the opposite side of the road with a shaky landing, almost flipping. He applied the brakes and turned the rough landing into a controlled power slide ready for pursuit again. He rocketed off after the truck with police still in pursuit but now, they were after him too. Batman didn't pay much attention to the cops as his focus was kept purely on The Joker. Speaking of, Joker had grabbed an AK47 and started shooting the police cruisers that were pursuing. Almost every bullet hit a cop and if it didn't, damage was done to the vehicles. One van had managed to pull up beside the trailer and was ready to open fire. That would have been the case had Joker not blew them to oblivion with an RPG. The shrapnel and car parts were sent flying all over the street following the ball of fire. Some police vehicles pulled back but Joker didn't care. He just leaned further out the side and fired a rocket behind him. The next rocket collided head on with the Batmobile.

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