Chapter 19 - Confessions

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A month has passed since the bounty was set on Izuku but only three of the five had tried to claim it. Those three being Himiko Toga, Slade Wilson and Floyd Lawton. Toga was arrested after Batman intervened during an assault, Slade and Floyd were both arrested on Eri's first night as Batgirl. Slade was first arrested when he tried to claim the bounty and Floyd was caught only a few minutes after trying to interfere by firing a sniper into a chain holding a container. The police picked him up not too long after and sent him to Tartarus with the others. However, Izuku had a bad feeling since neither Bane nor Firefly had tried to claim the bounty on his head but it was finished with now.

Izuku and Kyoka decided to celebrate by finally going out on their date. They went out to a cinema to watch a movie. They had decided to watch Star Wars Revenge of the Sith and they never stopped holding each other's hand through the whole thing. Most people laughed when the younglings were slaughtered but practically everyone was crying after Obi-Wan beat Anakin and told him he loved him. After that, they went to a nice restaurant to get some food but on the way Kyoka's phone was getting multiple messages from a group chat with the girls.

Alien Queen: Did you tell him yet?

Kirby: Yeah, you can't not.

Printer: He will be so happy.

John Cena: I can't wait.

Kermit: Just go for it, he won't be mad.

Earphone: I am gonna wait till the restaurant then tell him.

Earphone: Also who typed 'I can't wait'? Can't see the username.

John Cena: You know exactly who it was. It was me Toru but please use my other name-

(Yeah it's been years since it was funny but my story my rules)

Eventually, the couple walked and were seated at a table where they ordered drinks and some food. Both ordered a glass of Coca Cola and a steak with fries and some salad. They'd been sat waiting for a while, talking about their relationship and how much they love each other and Eri. This topic in particular got Kyoka to tell Izuku what she needed to.

"Izu... I have to tell you something..." she said nervously, afraid of his reaction.

"What's up Kyo? Is something wrong?" He replied, immediately switching to his extremely loving and concerned side.

"No, everything is ok but I need to tell you... I'm pregnant." She then looked down and awaited a bad response. However, Izuku reached across the table, took her hands in his, looked her in the eyes, smiled and said:

"That's wonderful, I couldn't be happier." Tears then welled up in Kyoka's eyes so Izuku stood up, walked round to her and pulled her into a hug. The two stood there for a while in their embrace while they were celebrating the good news. Izuku placed a kiss gently on Kyoka's cheek and whispered into her ear.

"I love you Kyoka."

"I love you too Izuku." She whispered back, tears of joy dripping from her eyes and onto his shirt.

Eventually, their food had came to their table and they enjoyed it very much. However, they decided to stay a bit longer and get some more drinks. They had Coca Colas, Fantas, Sprites, Strawberry Lemonade and other various sweet drinks. At this point in time, they were sat discussing their child that would be expected in 8 months.

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