Chapter 39 - Clandestine Conflict

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Months have passed since Eri's injury at the hands of All for One and Joker. Izuku had visited her every single day since she went to Recovery Girl's care in the Batcave medical bay. Kyoka would bring her food every time they would have a meal and sit with her for hours, taking care of her like her mother did for her. Eri was not going to be cleared for duty for a few weeks still as some of her wounds still needed time to heal. Recovery Girl would have just kissed her and made her better but Eri's energy has been down so much since her encounter with All for One that she had to naturally heal. Her once crushed hand had nearly healed and surgery had to be done to remove bone fragments. Bruised ribs and cuts healed very quickly but her right arm was still kept in a cast and sling for now. The injuries weren't just physical though, the mental scars had already formed. The sheer terror she felt when the whole building collapsed on her and being destroyed by All for One had sent her into a bit of an emotional spiral. To make matters worse, All for One wasn't even trying. He said himself that the only reason the fight ended was because he was bored.

While Eri rested and recovered, Batman continued his crusade trying even harder to track down Joker and All for One. The task was proving more difficult than expected with everything else each night threw at him. At the moment though, he stood perched atop a tower, overlooking the city and listening in for any crime or leads when he heard some interesting chatter or the police frequency.

"Any available officers, reports of suspicious activity in a parking garage west of Aldera Middle School. Suspect is wearing full black and is short in stature." The dispatch officer announced. As if a switch was flipped, Batman immediately became focused on the suspect.

"Hmm, could be Penguin or one of his dealers at least. They frequent the area and make deals with Black Mask and All for One. He'll know where to find one of them at least and then their asses are mine!"

Batman soon arrived at he scene where the initial activity occurred. There was no sign of the person in question so he would have to pick up a trail. He turned on his environment scanner and suddenly he picked up the grip of a shoe in the gravel. Fresh, it would lead him to his prey. The shoe type was unmistakable and Batman knew he was on the right trail.

"Timbs." He concluded as he set off about his patrol to catch the person and question them. 

A few blocks over, we find Denki Kaminari and Eraserhead doing a night patrol. Kaminari took the opportunity to try and improve himself and see how different things are at night. He knew Izuku was out every night keeping the city safe but he still thought it would be good to see how different it really is. Not too long after they started patrol though, the rain decided to come down harshly and thunder and lightning followed suite.

"Kaminari, part of a night patrol means we remain vigilant and more aware of our surroundings than normal. Some villains are afraid to come out in daytime and prefer to commit crime at night meaning it is more work for underground and night time heroes. However, since Batman has appeared, crime at night has steadily declined but with the return of All for One and the Joker being a constant threat, things have escalated. So be prepared for anything." Aizawa commented as dryly as usual. Kaminari simply nodded in response, his eyes shifting everywhere. His eyes eventually landed on a man dressed suspiciously in black, except for his shoes.

"Mr Aizawa?" Denki asked, gaining the Pro's attention as his eyes were drawn to the same place. "Bad guy right?".

"Yep. Now, let's try reasonably approaching him first. After all, the only crime he's committed at this point is jaywalking. Want to try?" Kaminari nods in response and begins to announce himself and get the criminal's attention.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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