Chapter 14 - Giving a future

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Izuku was travelling to the Musutafu Orphanage to see the girl who lost her parents. He had to see her and stop her from potentially going down a dark path. She will need a guide through her life, one who had allowed the darkness to consume him for years. A guide that could nurture her and protect her from the darkness. From becoming an agent of vengeance. He knew her pain better than anyone every could and if he could help her and raise her then maybe they could both get some closure.

Izuku arrived at the orphanage and entered. It looked like a nice place, all clean and calm. However, he knew that if this girl was adopted by the wrong person then she could cross a blood red line out of rage in the pursuit of vengeance. Wanting to find her as quickly as possible, Izuku approached the receptionist to find where she may be. 

"Excuse me," he said, "I was wondering if you could tell me which one of these children is the one who just lost her parents. I'm here to just ask her some questions." 

"She is right over there. Just please try keep her calm, she is very stressed and upset." The receptionist replied as she applied some makeup and pointed to the girl. She had small red eyes with whitey blue hair. It was long but soft and straight. The girl had a look on her face that Izuku recognised all to well. The look of 'why didn't I do anything to stop them? It's all my fault'. He walked over to her slowly, making sure not to scare her. Once he reached her, he sat down and began his conversation.

"Hello there."

"General Kenobi." The young girl replied with a small grin on her face and tears in her eyes. Izuku heard a soft giggle come from her after her response as well.

"Haha, I like you kid. What's your name?"


" I'm Izuku. Listen, I heard what happened to you. I'm sorry for your loss. I know how it feels. I'm sure you feel pretty scared huh?" Eri simply nodded as she looked down at the ground.

"That's ok. You want to know who else gets scared?"


"Batman. Sometimes when fighting a villain he doesn't think he can beat, he gets scared. He told me once that the best way to stop letting fear consume you, is to not let it hold you back and not let negative emotions guide you."

"Really? He said that?" 

"Yeah, you want to know something else about Batman?" Eri just nodded as he urged her to come closer, "He started off quirkless and afraid like us but he pushed through it all and helped so that good people don't have to be afraid, like you." After the small heart to heart, Eri captured him in a hug which he eagerly returned.

After about an hour 

"Hey Eri, how would you like to come and live with me? I live at a hero school with lots of interesting heroes in training and pros who will want to help you. I lost my parents at a young age like you and I want to give you a life I couldn't have, a happy life." Izuku said to Eri as she pondered his question.

"Ok, but are you sure? Am I really going to have a new home and family?" She asked in excitement.

"Yes, and I promise that nobody will hurt you there." He replied as he looked into her adorable red eyes with a smile across his face, something that not many people got to see. Except Kyoka of course. Oh wait, Kyoka. He should let her know how it is going and let Aizawa know he's gonna be having an adopted kid stay in his room.

"Thank you Izuku, I can't wait to meet the heroes. Does Batman go there as well?"

"Well, sometimes. He's a busy person and doesn't talk or interact with people much. But there are pros like Eraserhead, although he tends to sleep a lot and then drink coffee mutter mutter mutter mutter..." He was then interrupted by Eri who karate chopped the top of his head.

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