Chapter 29 - Peace vs Vengeance

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All Might stood in front of the hero comity higher ups and was being given his orders by them.

"All Might, we know you do good hero work on our behalf and for the country. However, there is an individual in Musutafu that keeps stirring up too much trouble. Now ordinarily we would send officers or someone lower down the ratings to deal with them but this kind of vigilantism is nearly as bad as the hero killer. Now we are not asking you to kill him, just give him an understanding of why you are the Symbol of Peace. Then once it's over, bring him in. Vigilantism is a crime and he should be punished." One member of the board stated. Another then immediately spoke afterwards.

"He is causing more and more issues. His presence causes escalation. Pretty soon it will be an arms race and power struggle we will be hopelessly outmatched in. We understand you have tried to get him to step down multiple times but this cannot continue. Not anymore." She said with a stern voice. 

"She is right." A man in a white business suit with black hair said. "The arms race and power struggle will cause unnecessary deaths and we will all lose money. Lots of it." He said the last part quieter. All Might then finally spoke.

"I understand but he is not so easily defeated. He isn't just any ordinary person. He won't let me take him alive and his methods are too violent."

"Well then, it appears there's only one course of action. Do what ya gotta do." The man in white said.

"Very well." All Might replied, taking his leave. After he had been gone a while, the man in white spoke to the others and a monitor turned on to reveal All for One.

"There we go everyone, problem solved. That guy will believe anything if you make it sound like it will be heroic. About time the Bat is being dealt with, Cobblepot has been up my ass about this ever since he jumped on his trail. He's also been interfering with my drug production for too long and costing everyone here lots of money to keep going. Not no more, the Bat will not be a problem anymore and our empire will control all crime and then the cops too."

"Well done Roman Sionis, I believe this partnership will be a success. And with the fight, there is a chance at least one of them will be killed and we will have fewer bugs to worry about." All for One said, congratulating the man in white who was revealed to be Roman Sionis. A drug lord and crime boss who goes by the alias Black Mask. Other members of the board included politicians, the Commissioner of the Musutafu police, other rich secret mob bosses and All for One himself. All corrupt but not known to All Might or any other heroes.

Back at UA

Izuku is in the Batcave constructing and modifying his gadgets after All Might's words the other night when encountering Mr Freeze. Due to the increased amount of cold temperatures he endured, he had to alter his gadgets so that temperature would not be a factor in their efficiency. Some of his fabulous toys didn't have that problem but he wasn't as prepared as he should have been, something he would keep in mind for the future. He was finishing up on his disruption rifle when he heard the police radio on the Batcomputer which had tuned in to the frequency without them knowing.

"Attention all units, the Commissioner has put out an arrest warrant for Batman. Says something about the hero committee wanting rid of him. He also said something about getting All Might involved so give any information you have on him to All Might."

"Copy that, getting fliers and wanted poster ready now."

'Great,' Izuku thought, 'that's all I needed. Well, it's not as if  I'm a stranger to this. But All Might said that he'd come for me and take me down. Well then, better not disappoint him.'

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