Chapter 24 - Overcoming limits

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AN - Hey guys, this is just a quick thing. Which major villain would you like to see Izuku up against next? (I'm saving Joker to try and do him as best as possible)

-Ra's al Ghul

-Mr Freeze

Izuku fought his way through the prison, breaking the bones of countless inmates and all to get to those who were responsible and stop them. The riots inside were raging and there had been reports that some villains even managed to reach the city but lay low. Some he had put there long ago, others he had heard of but not met. But, the thing that currently took priority was the villains orchestrating the whole prison break. He knew that the other heroes would arrive and then the pros a little later so he had to buy time.

Izuku eventually found the security room which had seen better days. There were fires and broken concrete everywhere along with some computers. The monitors were damaged so he grabbed some wires linked to the cameras and connected them to his gauntlet. Once a connection was established, a small holographic screen popped up and had multiple camera feeds. Izuku looked until he found Shigaraki and Bane though he couldn't tell what they had planned. He also spotted his friends showing up at the front gate to help as much as possible. He began to head towards the prison fighting arena. Now you may be wondering why there was a prison has an arena for their prisoners to fight. The answer is simple: corruption and wardens taking advantage of their captivity for entertainment. 

Guarding the entrance to the fight arena was 20 armed men with automatic assault rifles and itchy trigger fingers. They knew that they should gun Batman down if he comes and that's what they intended to do. But, as soon as Izuku turned the corner, he simply walked straight towards them and they let out a storm of bullets straight for him. Unfortunately for them, the bullets bounced right off and he kept moving forwards slowly.

He stopped right in front of one of them and stared down the gun barrel as they shot at him but they were all out of ammo by the time he had reached them. He stared at them with anger and intent to kick their ass. Most began to back away but one thought it was a great idea to draw a pistol and unload a clip into the bat symbol on his chest. Fortunately for Izuku, that is where his armour is strongest so the shots did nothing. Then, he simply snatched the gun from the criminal and took it apart with ease.

"Are we going to stand here all day or are we going to fight?" He asked.


The police and UA team were pushing the criminals back and into the prison again.

"How do you think Midoriya is doing?" Kirishima asked his boyfriend.

"He'll be fine. The nerd can hold his own and probably take out half of the pros on his own. Besides, we got to focus on these guys. If they get out then the city could be overrun and I don't want to get my ass kicked again by Batman." Katsuki replied as the pair continued to fight the villains. The rest were busy helping evacuate any injured officers and Todoroki was creating an ice wall as an extra precaution.

Inside with Bane and Shigaraki:

"This will definitely abuse the breakdown of the heroes and Batman won't be able to live with himself." Shigaraki gloated.

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