Chapter 37 - A bad joke

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"Sunday, January 1st. New Year's Day. For about a week now, Joker has been locked behind bars but I doubt I have heard the last of him. Crime has dropped significantly but it is just waiting to strike back, to spike once again against the good people in the city. The actions of a madman obsessed with pure chaos will turn some heads and inspire people much like Stain did. Scum... criminals... psychopaths. The League of Villains will gain more of a cult following and the heroes will be outnumbered. I have to wonder to myself, the real me, if I am to blame for all of these deaths. These villains. I have to put a stop to the corruption and make this city a safe place once again. To do that though, I need to strike at its core. For too long, Black Mask and All for One have controlled from behind the scenes. Now, it is time to take back this city even if I have to do it one step at a time."

"Nobody takes them down or makes a move on them because nobody knows about their true motives. Criminals and villains run the streets while the dirty cops protect them. Gordon and Tsukauchi are the only clean ones out there. Black Mask is a slippery one, old school mobster. He has the right connections and ways of making things happen. Most people in power are either in his or All for One's pocket. Tonight's search gave nothing to go on but I can't stop. I will not stop until the element is gone. Until people can stop living in fear because of them. End of log for tonight."

Izuku sat in the Batcave that night pondering his next move. The Hero Association wanted him gone by order of Black Mask and All for One. Perhaps it was time for him to rattle some cages and see what shakes loose. He needed as much information as possible on either party. The League could be a good place to start but the problem was he had no idea where they had gone to lie low. Black Mask might be a little easier to track given that his drug labs and hired goons are practically all over the city but there is also the problem of time. The quicker this was resolved, the better for him and Musutafu. On the other hand, he could take out a few of the labs to cripple his operations. Just as he was about to go and suit up, the Batcomputer had an incoming audio call request. The ID was for Gordon so he answered but left the face cam off.

"Batman, it's Gordon. We got the Joker ready to talk but he only wants to talk to you." He said. Izuku became a bit confused.

"Why does he want to speak to me?" He replied, his voice in a calm, low tone.

"I'm not sure. Tsukauchi tried to ask him but the clown just laughed." Izuku thought carefully about a decision he was going to make and if he was sure he wanted to make it.

"I'm on my way." Batman replied, "Keep an eye on him and don't let anyone speak to him until I get there." He then ended the call and then got out of his seat and went up to the dorms.

Up in the dorms, Kyoka and the rest of the girls were discussing marriage between the punk rocker girl and the agent of vengeance. The boys however were trying to think of ideas for a bachelor party but something Izuku wouldn't suspect. The only problem being, he is Batman. Away in the kitchen near the girls was Eri who was eating some apples and reading up on some nerve striking techniques. She was very into it but she closed her book when she realised Izuku was stood behind her.

"Enjoying yourself Eri?" He asked, a warm smile on his face as he placed a hand on her shoulder. 

"Yes. I'm learning lots of important techniques from this book." She replied, her smile decimated his in terms of cuteness. All the girls saw her smile and instantly awed at the precious sight.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go with me tonight."

"You mean a patrol?" Eri asked, her voice filled with excitement.

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