Chapter 5 - A new friendship

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Izuku was sat in the chair in his study reviewing cases and leads to crimes to try and calm himself after just having annihilated his former bully in a fight. He was currently following up on a case revolving around the League of Assassins while making connections to one of the assassins he ran into earlier on in his career. The assassin went by the name Shiva, she was unmatched in skill but had lost to Batman and retreated into hiding and moved to another country. The night he encountered her, Izuku had a 50 billion yen bounty on his head which some heroes even tried to collect. This case file was on hold at the moment and required further investigation into the League of Shadows to understand more. With that being said, he placed his file back into its place and removed his mask before walking to the bathroom. He looked at his face in the mirror, it had some dust and ash on it from the rocks and explosions. Izuku then applied some water to his face, took another look and simply whispered to himself:

"I hope you're proud mom. I wish you were here, you and dad." 

Suddenly, there was a knock on his door. So he commando rolled to behind his door while putting his cowl on.

"Hello? Midoriya? It's me, Jiro. Are you there?" She spoke as Izuku slowly pulled the door open, remaining hidden. Kyoka entered the room surrounded in darkness. She was slowly making her way into the room trying to be careful where to step. The door then immediately closed behind her and the lights flicked on only to reveal Izuku in his batsuit standing in front of her. Being startled and terrified at the reveal, she screamed and backed away a bit.

"What is it? You hear to tell me I went too far and that Aizawa wants to see me?" Izuku said in his all intimidating voice.

"No, no I came here to thank you and check in on you. You are the only person to truly stand up for me like that and I wanted to thank you for it. Even if u did go a little overboard." She replied with her hands clasped behind her back with a small blush and smile at the thought of someone doing something for her.

"I did what a hero should do. That's all." He said as he walked over to his desk and started disassembling his grapnel gun to improve it. 

"But that fight, it looked personal. What happened between you and Bakugo?" Kyoka asked as she walked up to Izuku and placed a hand on his shoulder. Izuku had never been approached in such a friendly manor by anyone for a long, long time. There was something about this girl that made him feel... relaxed and calmer. Telling one person couldn't hurt could it? Would she tell others?

Eventually caving and deciding to get it out, he began to explain the history between him and Bakugo. He removed his mask and turned to meet her caring and concerned eyes looking straight into his.

"Alright, you want to know? We used to be friends, he got a quirk and started abusing a gift he'd been given just to pick on people who hadn't received one. One day, it turned out to be my turn to be the punch bag for the rest of his life and be assaulted every day. He would pick on the quirkless for no reason and he only got worse with time. He moved on to telling people to kill themselves and... leaving marks on victims..." he said as he removed his left gauntlet to show a scar that spells out 'Deku' along his hand, "He has done awful things, not just to me but others too, like  yourself. However, with his record you got off easy, I didn't." He finished as a small almost unnoticeable tear escaped his right eye. 

Kyoka immediately wrapped her arms around him in an embrace. She held him close to herself to comfort him despite his small sign of his true inner suffering.

"It feels nice to have a friend like you." Kyoka said as she looked at his forest emeralds and continued, "We haven't known each other long but I would like to be friends if you're good with that." She had a small smile plastered on her face as she gazed at him.

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