On Your Behalf

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Recap:  I waved bye as Subaru made his way towards class. I turned my attention towards my dad who had stopped in front of the principals office.


"Just go in. I'll see you later." He sighed as he walked away . I took a deep breath attempting to calm myself before opening the door.


I knocked on the door and walked in as the principal called for me to enter.

" Miss (L/n), please take a seat. We need to talk about your behavior today." The principal spoke out as he moved some papers off his desk. " Skipping your classes is something we're willing to let slide as long as you keep your grades up, but we have a very low tolerance for fighting here at Ryoutei Academy".

"Sir I-" I started. He held up a hand stopping me from continuing.

"Miss (L/n) I would appreciate it if you let me finish." He paused and I nodded letting him know I wouldn't interrupt again. "Under normal circumstances you would be facing a weeks suspension and from what I've seen from your records that's something you're familiar with." I frowned remembering the last few times I had lost my shit back in America. "Now, I've had several students come in here and speak on your behalf and I'm inclined to believe that you had a VERY good reason for reacting the way you did. Is that correct ?" 

"Sir I'll be honest. I know I should have handled the situation very differently, but it's too late to change what I did. I know you've probably heard this a lot but Daitan is the one who started it. I was just hanging out with the few friends I've managed to make here and she comes and dumps her drink on me. I've never even seen her before today. She had absolutely no valid reason to attack me. I did my best to control myself, but she just wouldn't stop talking. I couldn't take it and I went off." I spoke truthfully. I sugar coated my words but they were still true. I'm not sorry and I'd do it again if I needed to, but he doesn't need to know that. 

"While I appreciate your honesty, I still have to punish you for fighting regardless of whether you started it or not. I'm giving you detention for the rest of the week. You'll need to stay after school and do whatever Matsuda-sensei asks of you. Is that understood?"

"Yes Sir! Thank you!" I answered bowing slightly. The punishment could have been so much worse.! Thank god!  

"Any questions before I send you to class?"

"Yes. Just two. First who is Matsuda-sensei? I don't think he's one of my teachers."

"He's the school counselor but he also takes care of the detention students for us. You can find him in the office two doors down to left of mine." 

"Okay and for my second question, who it was that came and spoke up for me?" He just smiled at my question and stood up walking towards the door.

"I can't tell you who they were, but I will say I was very surprised when they showed up in my office asking me to lessen your punishment." With that, he shooed me out of his office. He turned to shut his door before deciding there was something he wanted to add. "Oh and Miss (L/n), please do your best to stay out of trouble in the future." He smiled as he disappeared into his office. 

I checked my phone as I walked down the hall. There was still 20 minutes left until my Music class was over, so I made my way there deciding I shouldn't push my luck any further. Once I got there, I knocked and stepped into the classroom. 

"Sorry sensei I was in the principals office." I apologized since I actually liked her. She seemed like a sweet lady and was really into teaching music. 

The New Girl (A Diabolik Lovers X reader)Where stories live. Discover now