Two Handsome Jerks and A Pig

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* For some of the words that you may not know there's explanations at the bottom*

" Umm... Hey dad. This is not what it looks like" I said pointing between Laito and myself. Yeah because that's what people always say when it's exactly what it looks like. Fuck.

"Okay then so what is going on?" dad asked as he walked into the classroom and Laito leaned away from me.

"Dad this is Laito Sakamaki, he's in my history class. He helped me find your class since I didn't know where it was." I introduced Laito trying to change the direction of the conversation and hopefully distract dad. Dad walked to his desk and put his things down. 

"Mm-Hmm okay, but why is he still here? Aren't you going to be late for your next class Laito-san?" Dad tried to sound professional but a hint of his protectiveness leaked out. Laito just kept smiling at him, which only seemed to make him more upset.

"It's okay dad, Laito was just leaving. Weren't you?" I asked lightly nudging him off my desk. Laito finally broke eye contact with my dad and looked down at me. A little smile made its way across my lips and I tried to use my eyes to ask him to go along with it. Laito seemed to get what I was asking and thankfully followed suit.

"Yes (L/n)-sensei I was just saying bye to your daughter." My dad rolled his eyes. He knew nobody was saying anything when he walked in. Dad started getting ready for his class but kept glancing up at me and Laito.  "I'll see you later Amai-chan." Laito walked towards the door and turned around to wave one last goodbye before leaving. On the way out he ran into someone trying to come in. 

"Laito what are you doing in here? You should be on the other side of campus." It was the guy from the office this morning. Reiji if I remember right... He stood in the doorway blocking Laito's exit. " You better not be skipping class again."  He pushed his glasses up and waited for an answer. 

" I was helping Amai-chan find her class. I was just leaving." Laito explained seeming happy with himself. He winked at me and walked out the door. Reiji was watching me with a curious expression on his face. I looked away feeling uncomfortable. He was looking at me as if I was a test subject for his latest experiment. Okay dude your giving me the heebie-jeebies. 

"Can you stop looking at me like that?" I snapped meeting his gaze. He ignored me but shifted his gaze away from me. He walked into the room and chose a chair a seat away from mine. We sat in silence until the class was pretty much filled up. 

"Move livestock." I looked up to see who the hell had just called somebody else livestock.  Livestock? What the actual fuck.  A tall blue haired boy stood at the edge of my desk and was talking to me! 

"Livestock?" I looked up at him question clear on my face. 

"Move seats." He ordered gesturing to the seat to my right. The seat beside Reiji. 

"Why do I need to move? There's an open seat right there." I argued gesturing to the same seat. "Plus I was here first" I said sinking back into my seat and crossing my arms over my chest.

"Just move" The boy grabbed my stuff and moved it to the other seat. I sat there with my mouth hung open before I had the mind to snap it shut.

"Well since you asked so nicely" I snarled sarcastically. I moved myself to the other seat and plopped down letting out an annoyed huff of air.  "Asshole" I muttered under my breath. I swear I could see Reiji let a smirk cross his face before he pushed it back. So now I'm stuck between two handsome dickheads. Great. 

"Okay class lets get started. I'm (L/n)-sensei your new third year english teacher. I hope we can get along and make this year go by smoothly. We also have a new student joining us this year. Can you please introduce yourself?" Dad looked towards where I was sitting in the back and gestured for me to come to the front. Well thanks dad.  I walked to the the front noticing all eyes were on me. Is this whole introducing myself to the class going to be a thing in every class today? ( A/N: No it's not.) I really hate talking in front of crowds. It was okay when Yui was up front with me and we both had to introduce ourselves. Now that it was just me I could feel my heart kicking into high gear. I turned around and faced the class. I looked out into the crowd. Most were bored and looked ready to get the day over with and the others looked me up and down as if they were trying to figure me out. The asshole who kicked me out of my seat fit into the first category and Reiji fit into his own special category. He had a sadistic-like smile painted on his face. Can he tell how nervous I am? Is it that obvious? Fuck you and your schadenfreude Reiji!  I took a calming breath and introduced myself. It didn't take long and I was back in my seat before I knew it. The girl in front of me turned around.

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