Get to Know Me!

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Third/Reiji P.O.V.

"Fine!" (Y/n) huffed as she spun and walked in the opposite direction. Reiji smirked as he heard the (h/c) stomp down the hallway. He was having more fun messing with the bratty new girl than he had thought possible. 

When his brothers pitched the whole sharing idea, with the Mukami's by their side no less, he was the first to oppose the idea. They had no idea what or who she was. She was a complete mystery to them, but it's possible that that could be one of the reasons she was so intriguing. 

It took some convincing, but eventually those opposed to the idea gave in. Reiji and Ruki had opposed the idea for mainly logical reasons, but others were less inclined to the actual 'sharing' part. Reiji had initially decided he'd let his brothers have their fun and keep a distance from (Y/n) until they figured out what kind of threat she posed.

After watching the group of vampires interact with the girl, his interest in her only grew.  She was smart, but dumb in the cutest ways. She was feisty and willing to stand against them, even after finding out their true identities. Yet, she's still easily flustered and comfortable around them. 

The way she fit into their group and wrapped his brothers around her fingers baffled him. He had told the (h/c) that his brothers would lose interest in time, but he wasn't as sure of his words as he had acted. 

His brothers would indulge on various victims from time to time but none of them lasted very long. They would have their fun then erase every memory from their blood bag's mind. It was as if nothing had ever occurred between the two. Not once in any of his brother's escapades was an ounce of genuine affection displayed.

Even his brothers who never really showed interest in the opposite sex for more than a quick snack, were being drawn in by the new girl's charms. Surprisingly, Subaru had loaned her his favorite hoodie. Being the territorial 'teenage' vamp he is, he'll start a fight anytime somebody so much as touches his stuff, so this was definitely strange behavior.

Shuu had shown almost clingy-like behavior. Anytime they're around each other he'll be touching her in some way. Whether he's laying his head in her lap, leaning on her shoulder, or holding her in his lap. Sleep and music had once been the only things occupying his older brother's mind, but lately it seems like he's made room for one more.

Kanato had taken a strange liking to the mysterious girl as well. He had actually started thinking things through before throwing a hysterical tantrum for the smallest things. When Reiji had first caught his brother trying to figure out the most reasonable response to Yui knocking over his raspberry pudding, he thought he was in shock. Kanato had sat there, staring as his pudding splattered across the floor for several minutes before quickly leaving the room, mumbling to himself. 

When Reiji had asked him about this, he said (Y/n)-chan had asked him 'why he was so quick to yell at others when he himself didn't want to be yelled at'. It had made his younger brother think about how childish he was at times and made him start thinking about how his actions affect others. Kanato was still very 'kanato' but he was growing as a person thanks to (Y/n).

Laito was, of course, constantly flirting with (Y/n). Flirting and sexual innuendos were right up his alley, but something was different. He had started focusing solely on his 'Amai-chan' with the occasional teasing and snacking on Yui. His interest in the 'Eve' was dying. He was on the verge of becoming obsessed with (Y/n) and even his less observant brothers were starting to notice.

Ayato was probably the least interested in the new girl, but that's because he's had the pleasure of having Yui all to himself. He watched his brothers lose interest in the blonde and took her all for himself. With no one to compete with, he fell into an almost boring routine with the young girl living with them. 

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