Detention and the Demon Consort

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"Yeah. Yeah. I'm coming." Matsuda-sensei yelled before opening the door. He looked between me and Yuma before finally coming to a stop on me. "I'm assuming you're (L/n)-san and you must be her boyfriend." He said cheerfully, his demeanor becoming a lot nicer than when he had first opened the door.

"Yes.. and No he's not my boyfriend." I answered 

"Her brother then?" He smiled, looking Yuma up and down as if checking him out. 

"Noo.." I snickered, amused by the situation and Yuma just stood there looking uncomfortable. He glared at me which only made it harder for me to hold my laughter in. "Matusda-sensei are you flirting with a student? How scandalous!" I teased.

"No of course not." he winked at Yuma.

"I wouldn't blame you if you were. He's pretty easy on the eyes." I smirked, poking Yuma in the side. 

"Whatever I'm out of here." Yuma said, walking away.

"What a shame. I was hoping that he would be joining us for detention."  Matsuda-sensei smiled innocently. "Now, I think it's time we get started." he said, gesturing me into his office.

====== Small Time Skip =======

Detention sucked. I was stuck cleaning the whole gym by myself. Mastuda-sensei sat in the bleachers reading a book as I swept and mopped the floors, cleaned the windows, and wiped down the bleachers. 

Just when I had finished the gym and thought I was done, he looked up from his book long enough to tell me I had to clean the locker rooms too. I knocked out the girls locker room pretty quickly seeing as it was kept pretty clean. The guys locker room took me a little longer. 

I picked up the basket filled with towels and the colored jerseys Reiji's team had used today during dodgeball, because 'cleaning the locker rooms means starting the laundry too.' I can remember Matsuda grinning mischievously as he watched my shoulders sag and my face turn sour at such news.

 I started to make my way out, when I knocked some books and papers off the bench. I sat the basket on the bench and bent down to pick them up. Pausing when I saw the name at the top of the papers. Of course they'd leave their math homework at school. Pulling my phone from my back pocket, I texted him.

Usa-chan: Yooo you left your homework at school.

Kou💘 : uhhh no I didn't. It's in my bag.

Usa-chan: You better go check. *sends picture*

Kou💘 : Damn.. Oh well. I'm sure it'll be okay.

Usa-chan: It's due tomorrow...

Kou💘 : Usa-channn take it home with you and send me your address. I'll pick it up later.

Usa-chan: You know how creepy that sounds right? 

Kou💘 : Me creepy? Never. 

Usa-chan: Yeah still a no-go.

Kou💘 : Fine. Bring it to my place. *sends location*

Usa-chan: Okay. It'll be a little bit tho.

After placing the papers in the books, I sat them in the basket and headed towards Matsuda-sensei. 

"All done?" He asked, standing and stretching as if he'd been sitting in the same place for too long.

"Yeah. I just need you to show me where the laundry room is." 

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