Adorably Child-like

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"I cant believe we're late! I told you to be ready by 6:45. You weren't even out of bed yet!" My dad fumed as he slid into the driver's seat. I tossed my bag into the back seat and attempted once again to explain that my phone broke last night. But, when I went to show him this morning it was working perfectly fine. Fine enough to show the 5 unread messages and two missed calls from Raiden. So everything worked but my damn alarm...   "(Y/n), I don't want to hear your excuses. Just don't let it happen again. This job is a big deal for me, I don't want them thinking they made a mistake in picking me to fill the position." 

"Okay. Do you think we could go shopping for an alarm clock? Just in case my phone messes up again?" 

"Hmm... we'll see. Maybe we could order you one from Amazon? A nice pretty pink one." He turned to look at my reaction. 

"Dad you know I'm not a fan of pink." I mocked offense.

"Exactly." A huge smile graced his face as he turned to pay attention to the road.

Smiling, I turned to look out the window. I watched as the city lights faded into the dark landscape leading towards the school. My phone buzzed reminding me of the still unread text messages. I leaned back, grabbing my phone from my bag. 

(Keep in mind Raiden and (Y/n) are in diff. time zones, so the time shown is your time not Raidens.)

 (6:00 am) Raiden - Heyy are you out of school yet???

(6:32 am) R - Hellooo anybody there?

(6:40 am) R - (Y/n) !!!! Pick up the phone! The funniest thing happened in class today.

(8:00 am) R -  You probably passed out lol. Text me when you wake up.

(8:01 am) R - Gn. love ya girly

(6:55 pm) (Y/n) - Sorry my phone was on the fritz last night. What happened?

I closed Raiden's messages to see who else had texted me. I opened the text and rolled my eyes.

Kou💘  : Good morning Usa-chan. Sit with me at lunch today! 

(Y/n) : Why? So I can get stabbed with a plastic knife? ಠ_ಠ

Kou💘 : I won't let them hurt you! Come on! 

(Y/n) : No 

Kou💘 : Azusa told me to tell you he'll be sitting with me as well..?

(Y/n) : Tell him I'll think about it..

Kou💘 :  WhY?? 😭

I tucked my phone back in my bag as we pulled into the employee parking lot. 7:10pm looks like dad isn't too late. He hurried me out of the car and locked it behind us. He kissed my forehead before running off towards what I assumed was the teacher's lounge. School doesn't start till 8:00pm, so I have some time before I need to head to class. Standing there in the parking lot alone brought back memories from last night. Did that really happen or did  someone sneak some mushrooms into my lunch? Is being telepathic that much harder to believe than angels and demons..?  I guess not..

I walked around looking for a well lit bench to enjoy the night breeze. It wasn't too warm with the breeze, but I'm glad I decided to ditch the blazer. I looked around for about 15 minutes with no luck. All of the benches or tables that scattered the quad were too far away from the lamp posts. I headed towards the main building and decided to check out the library.  

The New Girl (A Diabolik Lovers X reader)Where stories live. Discover now