1|Senior Year

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*Isabella's POV*

"Okay everyone settle down, I would like you all to get in pairs of two." instructed by my one and only Chemistry teacher, Mrs. Dumont.

Today was my first day of senior year at Millersville High.

'Why do we always have to work in groups? Can't we just work by ourselves for once?'

I asked myself as I slowly backed up towards the back of the class. That way, by the time Mrs. Dumont notices I don't have a partner as yet, everyone would have already been paired with someone and she'll have no other choice but to let me work alone.

Smart right? I know, I've done it quite a few times; by 'quite' I mean all the time.

I was broken out of thoughts by Mrs. Dumont snapping her fingers in my face while the class turned their heads to face us. Her fingers smelt like onions and coffee. Without even noticing I'd manage to make a disgusted expression on my face.

Mrs. Dumont looked at me puzzled for a moment but then quickly dismissed it while she instructed me to take a seat. See? It works every time.

I quickly took a seat in the second row, at the right side of the class. It was closest to the door so I could go straight out whenever the bell rings.

It's not that I hate school or anything, I'm a straight-A student. It's the people at school that make me just want to leave.

"Okay class, now that most of you are partnered up," she then glanced at me. "there was a reason I wanted you to work in pairs. It's because-"

The door swung open right when she was about to announce her reason.

"Uh, is this the Chemistry class?" an unfamiliar gravelly voice asked.

"Mr. Norman, I heard that you switched groups. How marvelous of you to finally grace us with your presence. You came just in time, you may take a seat over there next to Ms. Jones." she said as she pointed towards me.

I internally screamed.

Standing at the door was Miles Norman.

He was your typical popular kid; highly privileged, a bit arrogant, had almost every girl drooling over him, captain of the football team, and had a group of friends, who were of course all popular. The only thing that made him different was that he wasn't a bully like the rest of them.

He was freakishly tall with silky jet black hair and dark brown eyes. I would be lying if I said he wasn't attractive.

His eyes followed the direction of Mrs. Dumont's finger, then they landed on me. His eyes examined me as if this was the last time he has ever seen me. I tried to look in any direction except for his.

After what felt like an eternity, he finally walked over and took a seat at our joint desks.


"Okay, class let's get back to what I was saying before I was interrupted." Mrs. Dumont said while giving what I suppose was glare to Miles but she ended up looking constipated. "I hope that you are all comfortable with your partner because that person will be your partner until you graduate."

The class erupted into a ruckus from the other students while Miles and I stayed silent.

"Let me finish!" she shouted while punching her hand on a student's desk.

The whole class fell silent.

"For each assignment, you are given, you are required to do it with your partner. Whether it's homework, a project, or a presentation. You can even study with your partner but that one is optional."

I felt my heart start to beat faster and my hands started to sweat.

"Oh and I've spoken to your other subject teachers and they've all agreed to do the same thing. You're welcome. Hashtag laugh out loud." she added while returning to her desk.

"I will be giving you what's left of the period to work out your schedules with your partner." she ended as she pulled out her phone.

Not once have I ever spoken to Miles before. How was I supposed to be his partner until we graduated?

He made the first move by turning to me.

"Look nerd, these are the rules so listen to me carefully."

He started in a cold tone. I felt a little offended but stayed quiet.

"I have football practice every day after school until 4. Whenever we have an assignment, come to my house at 5 and never be late."

While trying to digest everything he said, the bell rang and he was out the door.


While putting in the code to my locker I felt a pair of warm hands cover my eyes.

"You can put down your hands now Tessa," I said while turning around to face her with a warm smile.

"How did you even know it was me? Happy anniversary!" she said before embracing me with a hug.

"Bestfriend instinct I guess. Happy anniversary to you too!" I replied while returning the hug.

I knew it was her because she was the only friend I had in this school that would do that but what she doesn't know won't kill her.

We met a year ago in an AP class and we've been best friends ever since.

She was nerdy like me but was popular. She had naturally red, curly hair with meltingly soft amber eyes and the most beautiful smile. Whenever she would walk into a room, it would instantly be brightened. She's also captain of both the cheerleading squad and the robotics team. Two completely different personalities yet she managed to make them one.

She dates Miles' bestfriend, Troy. I don't know what she sees in that prick but if it makes her happy I support it. Whenever she's not with me she stays with Troy and his annoying group of friends.

"Who's your partner for the year? I got stuck with Amanda Gilbert," she said in a rather disappointed tone.

"Um, M-M-M-Miles." I stuttered.

She immediately froze for a second then turned to me.

"What?" she yelled out, making the passing students weirdly look at us.

"Tessa calm down, people are staring," I stated as embarrassment took a hold of me.

"I don't care," she said loud and confident.

"You and Miles being partners for a whole year?" she gave a humorless chuckle. "I'm sorry but that's going to be hell for you. Let me leave you with some tips."

"First, don't ever be late. Miles is obsessed with people being on time. He's a control freak with some serious anger issues. He once invited me and Troy to watch this movie with him and we were a little late because we were um, doing something and he totally flipped out on us."

"Second, don't fall for him under any circumstances. He's the opposite of a flirt but he subconsciously has this charm over girls and that's what you need to stay away from."

"Other than that you'll be fine." she ended while gracing me with one of her breathtaking smiles.

I know that the second one will never happen but I still take a mental note of both tips and nodded. The bell rang and we both said our goodbyes and headed to our remaining classes of the day.

AN: Hi guys, this is my first book. I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. I'd appreciate it if you commented and vote! :D

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