16|Everything's Changed

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*Isabella's POV*

We got into the car and buckled out seatbelts.

"Where to next?" I asked him.

"My dad owns this gaming arcade. We can stop there then go to the cinemas after. Is that okay with you?"

"Yes but can we make a stop at the book store first?"

He looked at me confused but nodded anyway.

The ride was quiet and short since the book store was not too far from the restaurant.

As I opened the door I heard a bell above my head ring, notifying the workers that a new customer has entered.

"Hi Isabella and Miles! I didn't know you two knew each other." the shop worker, Elise said.

I looked at Miles in surprise that Elise knows his name. For Elise to know your name you have to be a regular customer. Miles looked completely unfazed of my reaction.

"So what brought you guys here today?"

"I want to buy him my favorite book." I said while giving him a devious smile.

Miles raised his eyebrow and kept moving his eyes between Elise and I.

"Don't worry Miles you'll like it. I'll go get the book. You guys can just go to the front and pay for it." she then walked away.

Miles insisted on paying for the book but I turned him down since he was the one to pay for lunch. Elise gave us the book and we went on our way.


"What was that all about?" he asked as he made a right turn.

"Since you showed me your favorite book I think it's only fair if I show you mine as well."

All Miles did was shake his head.

"We're here." he said as he got out of his car.

In front of us stood a fairly large building called 'Norman Arcades'. Tessa and I came here once or twice but I never really thought that it was connected to Miles.

"What kind of businesses does your dad own?" I asked out of curiosity as we walked to the entrance.

"He owns all kind of businesses. You name it and he has it. He invests in small companies then when they are large enough he buys them out."

"What kind of business was the warehouse?" I asked.

"It was a furniture store. He would sell the furniture and the customers would have my mom design their houses." he said and I nodded showing that I understood.

"What game do you want to play first?"

I looked around the different games to see which one I should pick and that's when my eyes landed on the Dance Dance Revolution game. A smile immediately popped on my face then I turned to Miles.

"No, anything but that." he begged.

I walked over to the token machine to convert my money into tokens. After, I held Miles' hand and dragged him to the game.

"Please I'm begging. I can't dance." he pleaded.

Ignoring this cries, I inserted the tokens into the machine then picked the song.

"Relax Miles, I picked a slow and easy one just follow the directions." I assured him.

Still looking a bit skeptical he nodded his head and stepped unto the platform.

The game started and we started off. After the first eight steps, Miles finally got the hang of it. The game slowly started to speed up and Miles started this show a bit of fear. He was a natural. I watched as he smiled from ear to ear as he tried to get the correct steps.

The game finished and we both laughed.

"Phew, that game was a workout." Miles said as he tried to catch his breath.

"Aren't you suppose to be the fit one here?" I asked smiling.

"My workouts are nothing compared to this." he said while shaking his head.

We both couldn't help but laugh again.

"Your turn to pick." I said.

He looked around until he spotted something.

"You ever played basketball?" he asked as he gave me a questionable smirk.

I didn't want Miles to know that my aiming sucked so I lied.

"Yeah, I'm the best." I said with a confident smile.

"Good, so that means I don't have to go easy on you." he said while putting in his tokens.

I knew I had already set myself up.

"Game on. May the best win." I said to him.

We both waited for the game to countdown then started. I was missing more balls than I was putting in. I couldn't even get to look and see how far Miles had gotten because I was too busy trying not to miss.

Before I knew it the time was up. I had tried my best to score as much as I could.

I looked over to Miles and he was smiling. Of course he won after I completely embarrassed myself.

"Wow you won Isabella!" he said happily.

I looked up and saw my score was higher than his. I couldn't help but smile and embraced him with a hug.

I guess Miles was only good at football.

We played a couple more games before we left for the movie.


It took about an hour to get to the cinemas since the traffic was heavy. During the time Miles and I just had small talk and listened to music from his playlist.

"You go join the line and I'll go buy the tickets." he said as he walked away.

It was a good idea because the food line was long and the movie started in 10 minutes. I couldn't help but wonder what kind of movie we were going to watch.

The line moved fairly quick and Miles came back with our tickets. I didn't know what the movie was about but it was called Miles Apart.

"Next in line." the cashier said.

"A medium popcorn and a large drink." I said and she nodded as she punched it into the computer.

"Two hotdogs, two large popcorns and three large sodas." Miles said while briefly looking at his phone.

The cashier nodded and punched in his order as well.

"Will that be all?" she asked.

"Yes." we both said simultaneously.

We took our food and sat at the back of the theatre. We spent over an hour watching the movie then left.


I came out of the car and Miles followed me to the door.

"Well, thanks for today. I really had fun."

Miles didn't answer me. All he did was stare at me. I'm convinced he doesn't know how to say 'you're welcome'.

He stared at me like he was fighting himself not to do something. His body kept fidgeting and his eyes were glued to my lips.

He moved a closer to me, only leaving inches between us.

His stare cast a paralyzation spell on me once again.

He leaned forward closer and closer until our lips collided.

He kissed me and for a moment. I hesitated to kiss him back but I did anyway. Our lips moved in sync and I wanted more but before I could he pulled away.

"Goodnight nerd." he gave me a smirk and a pat on the head before leaving.

I quickly run upstairs and shut my door. What was that Miles. This changes everything.

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