22|In Control

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*Miles POV*

I found myself heading over to Troy's house. Since my dad got home, I've been spending way more time than usually at his place.

I got out of the car and walked on the driveway only to see Troy's mom flirting with the gardener. Flashbacks of her asking me if I wanted to hook up with her last summer appeared. Of course I denied her but I didn't tell Troy because he was already ashamed of her for cheating on her husband. Troy's dad is serving in the military so she gets lonely.

"Milestone." Just like my mom, she always liked calling me that ridiculous name.

"I'm just here to see Troy." I said straightforwardly, not being in the mood to talk to her.

"He's up in his room." she said as she licked her lips.

I rolled my eyes then walked passed her. I opened the door then headed upstairs.

"Jeez, in here smells like someone death." I said playful as I covered my nose.

"No, I think that's just you." he said as we did our special handshake.

"So what's up dude?" he asked as he sat in his chair.

"I got her."

He jumped up out of his chair and ran to me.

"No way!" he shouted.

"Yes way." I said then laughed.

"We have to celebrate. Let's raid my mom's booze." he said.

"What are we celebrating?" an unwanted voice asked.

I let out a loud, annoyed sigh as I turned to Tessa.

"That you're the biggest slu-" I said before being cut off.

"Miles stop! I'm tired of the two most important people in my life always fighting. Whatever you two have going on make it stop." he shouted as he pointed to the door.

"Troy." I said but he didn't budge. Troy hardly ever shouted and when he made up his mind on something he stayed fixed on it.

I got up and walked out the door with Tessa following behind.

"What's your problem?" Tessa asked as she examined her nails.

I tried to keep calm as my jaw slowly clenched.

"What's my problem? You're my problem. I'm done with all these secrets. I'm telling Troy everything." I said softly as I turn around to walk away.

"No wait." she said.

I turned around and watched as she hesitated to continue.

"Troy and I are finally in a good place. Please don't tell him." she pleaded.

What if all this time she was bluffing? I couldn't help but put a small smirk on my face.

"Oh and by the way, your bestfriend and I are dating now."

All the colour from her face drained as she quickly turned pale. Her eyes were widened and the sight was truly terrifying.

I turned around and walked back to Troy's room as I could hear her shout my name a few times as she trailed behind me.

"You guys good now?" Troy asked.

"Yeah we're all good." I said with a devious smile.

I finally had the upper hand and I was planning on taking full advantage of it.

"Hey Troy, why don't we have a double date with the girls?" I asked. I knew exactly what I was doing. She tortured me for months and now it's time to get a dose of her own medicine.

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