25|Radio Silent

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*Isabella's POV*

It had been a week now since the jock awards. Lucky for me school was on break for two weeks. Tessa had been blowing up my phone with messages and Miles didn't even bother. He was radio silent.

"Come on Ella, you have to eat something." Mia said signaling to the lunch my mom had bought us.

Mia had been very supportive. When I came home that night, I had called her and she came right away and hasn't left since.

I wasn't in the eating mood but if it made her feel better, I would try. I nodded then took the food.

The door bell rang.

Mia looked at me confused. "Are you expecting somebody?"

I shook my head.

She got up and answered it. "Go away. You've cause enough trouble." she said then tried to close the door but a hand stopped it.

"Move nerd."

It was Tessa.

"Isabella is this why you've been ignoring my text? So you can be besties with that?"

I ignored her and continue eating my food. Maybe if I ignore her she would leave.

"Ignoring me really? I thought you were more mature than that."

Still ignoring her.

"Isabella, I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything that I said about you that night. I was drunk."

Forget ignoring her.

I finally put down my plate then turned to her. "Drunk words are sober thoughts."

She laughed. "Isabella, please give me one more chance. I promise you I'll do better this time."

"You've had enough chances."

"You're being irrational. We're suppose to be bestfriends and bestfriends give more chances."

"You know what bestfriends don't do?" I chuckled a little. "Bestfriends don't talk bad behind of each other's backs or be a selfish, controlling, manipulative slut."

Her mouth dropped.

"I never want to see or talk to you again. As Troy said, 'you're dead to me'." I ended then picked back up my food.

"The door is that way hun." Mia said confidently as she pointed Tessa to the door.

Tessa looked at me dumbfounded once more then without saying a word left.

I had to admit, that felt good. I've always been afraid of standing up to Tessa because I was afraid I'd lose my only friend but I don't have that to worry about now.

"I'm proud of you." Mia said sitting down next to me.

Before I could realize, I was hugging her. She has no idea how important she is to me right now. Without her being here, I don't know what I would've done. Ending things with your best friend who used to be your only friend isn't exactly the easiest. You'll still have memories whether good and bad with them but when you end things, you're cutting off a chance of more possibly good memories. I just hope I made the right decision.

"Miles still hasn't said anything?" she asked.

I checked my phone. No new messages. I shook my head.

"Maybe it was for the best. He was a douchebag anyway."

He wasn't.

"Can we change the subject?"

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