5|Stay Indoors

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*Isabella's POV*

Four weeks later

It's now been a month since school started and Miles and I have gotten accustom to the whole homework buddy thing. He still treats me cold but less.

Today was a Friday and we finished our homework a bit earlier than usual because Miles didn't have any football practice due to the heavy rain.

As he was about to take me home we both received a stay in doors notification on our phone. You see whenever it rained a lot like this we would always get these. The roads in Millersville were very slippery. In fact, over 100 people die every year because of this. Most of them weren't locals because we all knew better.

While turning back to go inside, I texted my mom to let her know I won't be home just yet.

"You can chill on the couch I'll be in my room. We leave as soon as they say it's safe to go." Miles said as he slowly disappeared from my vision.

Miles' living room was gorgeous. He had two living rooms, one with a television and one without. His house was more of an open floor plan so the main living room was in the center of it all. There was a three cushioned couch, a two cushioned one and four singular cushioned ones all forming a circle. In the middle was a glass center table with a plant as it's centerpiece.

When I came over last week, Mrs. Norman had told me she was an interior designer so there was no doubt about it she designed this simple yet elegant masterpiece.

I sat staring at the centerpiece for a moment but boredom soon rushed onto me. I could sense that the rain wasn't planning on ending anytime soon and I needed to occupy myself in the mean time.

I remembered that I had started reading the book I found on the dining room table. I doubt that Mrs. Norman would have a problem with me reading it so I got up and headed to the dining room. When I got there it wasn't there. I knew the chances of it still being there after weeks were low but I still hoped it would be. Maybe Miles would knows where she keeps her books.

I head upstairs and knocked on Miles' door. Whenever I had to ask him for something I would always get nervous for his response.

"Come in."

His voice sounded like it was drained of energy. Pushing any further thoughts to the back of my head, I opened the door.

I don't know what I expected his room to look like but it was definitely not this. It had a huge king sized bed in the center and on the wall in front it hanged either a 60 or 65 inch tv. In the right corner of the room was a desk with 3 monitors and a head set with a gaming chair behind it. On the opposite side was a huge walk in closet.

"What do you want?" Miles said in an unwelcoming tone as he laid on his bed with one hand covering his eyes and the other behind his head.

"I, um, just wanted to see if you knew where your mom put her The Hate U Give book."

He stayed silent for a while but got up into a sitting position then rested his elbows on his knees and placed his face into his palms. He looked exhausted.

"Hey, are you okay?" I couldn't help but ask.

"I'm fine and the book's not hers, it's mine." he said as he slowly got up and limped over to his dresser, taking the book off the top then handing it to me. "Here."

I stared at him astonished. Never in my life would I have guessed Miles Norman reads books. Especially fictional romantic ones. I guess his hobbies doesn't fit the stereotype I had imagined.

"Are you going to take the book or not?" he asked sounding irritated.

"You read books?" I asked while removing the book from his hand.

He didn't reply but instead stared at me blankly.

"Thank you." I said while turning around to walk outside the room after taking a hint.

I sensed something behind me. I turned back and noticed that he was following behind of me.

"I'm just going to the kitchen relax nerd." he said with a small smirk on his face.

I hated when he called me that.

I stayed silent as I sat back down on the couch and watched as he went to the kitchen.

Looking down I heard my stomach grumble. I was hungry and cold as well. Even though it was raining outside Miles still had the thermostat on the highest. It was like he was trying to torture me.

I would neither ask him for food nor to turn it down due to my pride and the thought of him saying something bad to me scared me even more.

I hated that how scared and unimportant he made me feel. It was like I didn't exist. He acted like he had authority over me and we barely knew each other.

Due to me overthinking I didn't even notice Miles was in front of me waiting for a response.

"I'm sorry what?" I asked giving him my undivided attention.

"I said I'm going to be eating cereal so if you want you can come." he repeated while shoving his hands in his pocket.

That's it, I'm convinced this guy is reading my thoughts. Miles if you're reading my thoughts right now say 'yes'.

I stared at him waiting to hear him answer but he didn't. Instead he lifted an eyebrow.

"Can you stop staring at me? You're freaking me out you creep. If you didn't want anything to eat you should've just said that. I was only trying to be nice." he ended while walking back to the kitchen.

Realizing what just happened I sprung from my seat and followed him. That wasn't the case at all but telling him that I just waiting for him to read my mind sounded way worse than his conclusion.

As I walked in, I saw a large but still simple kitchen. In the center was a long kitchen island with cupboards surrounding one half and a kitchen table on the other. They all had marble countertops with a dark wood stained colour.

I watched as Miles took two bowls out of the cupboard and placed them on the kitchen island. He then walked over to the fridge and grabbed the milk.

"Honey Nut Cheerios or Frosted Flakes?" he asked while showing both cereal boxes to me.

I rested my index finger on my chin and thought for a while. After making my decision I pointed to the Cheerios box and Miles nodded that he understood.

After opening the box he poured out the cereal into his bowl and handed me the box while he opened the milk.

We sat at the kitchen table and started eating in silence.

AN: hope you're enjoying so far!

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