20|Mia II

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*Isabella's POV*

Thanks to Tessa sleeping over I was able to carpool with her to school.

Mr. Payne, our Biology assigned us to go outside and explore the environment but in my books that was just another word for a free period.

Mia and I sat under a tree and were talking about the things we were going to do after we finished high school.

Us talking about that made me think a lot. I had really big shoes to filled since mom and dad acted like they wanted me to become both a surgeon and a lawyer.

Mia said she aspired to be a marine biologist.

Over the few months we spent together, I think our friendship has gotten stronger. We almost knew everything about each other and we had that 'click', something I wish Tessa and I shared.

"Hey ladies." Troy said as he sat down next to Mia.

"Nerd one, nerd two." Miles greeted as he sat down next to me.

I rolled my eyes and remember that weird but sweet kiss Miles gave me last night. He looked a lot better and calmer than last night. However, I was confused on why Troy was here since his class didn't have a free period.

"What are we talking about?" Troy asked.

I looked at Mia, who's cheeks we practically on fire. If I didn't know any better I would say she was blushing?

"Hey Mia, I'm sorry that..." Miles then looked at me before he returned his gaze to Mia. "I'm sorry that Luke treated you like that. He's a dumbass."

"I'm sorry too." Troy said.

"Thank you." she said looking down. She was acting extremely shy, almost as if she was afraid of them or something.

"Hey Miles, can we talk." an unfamiliar girl, looking around the same age as us said as she bit her lips. She was quite tall with straight black hair and feisty eyes. She practically looked like she wanted to make out with him right then and there.

"Katelyn? What the heck are you doing here?" Miles asked, clearly knowing the strange girl.

"I got expelled from my old school and this was the closest private school my parents could find. I missed you." she said as she ran her fingers through his hair.

My heart dropped.

Troy, Mia and I stayed silent.

Miles quickly cleared his throat and took a quick glance at me before standing up.

"I'll see-see you guys later." he stuttered before walking off with the girl.

Troy erupted with laughter.

"Classic Miles." he said as he shook his head.

"Who is that?" I said trying to play it cool.

Miles and I weren't in a relationship so I had no reason to feel hurt or jealous. Everyone knew Miles didn't obligate himself to girls so why would I be an exception.

"I haven't seen that one before but it's clearly one of his little flings."

He looked on his watched.

"Sorry guys I have to go. I told my teacher I needed to use the bathroom 20 minutes ago." he said before running off to class.

I stayed quiet as I looked on the field before us.

"You like Miles don't you." Mia suspected.

"What? Me? No."

"You're the worst liar." she laughed.

"Is it really that bad liking him though?" I asked her because who else would I ask. Tessa completely shut me down last night.

"Are you kidding me? No! You two would look so good together. I'm starting to think of ship names."

"Really!?" I exclaimed. I felt happy that she approved.

"Of course Is. Although I don't think Miles is much of a relationship guy. He seems more of a one night stand guy. I hope you two didn't you know already." she said.

"No, but we did kiss." I said trying to keep in the big smile that was forming but failed miserably.

"No way Is!" she shouted then hugged me.

See this was the kind of friendship I wanted, sorry needed.

"Why were you acting like that when the boys were here?" I asked while letting go from her embrace.

Her facial expression turned from excited to unreadable.

"Come on Is, isn't it obvious?"

I stared at her blankly.

"Sometimes I question how you're so academically smart." she said jokingly.

"Although Miles and Troy weren't apart of it, they were still friends with the people who have been causing me pain for years. At first, I thought the same way about you but then you proved to me that you were nothing like them so I guess I'm just having some trust issues with them."

I felt my heart break. I had been so caught up with myself I didn't even stop to think about how Mia was feeling. I was bestfriends with the girl who constantly bullied her.

"Mia, I'm so sorry." I said feeling guilty even though I played no role in bullying her.

"What really makes me sad is that I think I'm in love with Troy. Although we have barely talked before he has never been anything but sweet to me. People like him wouldn't even take a second to even think they would date me."

"Don't say that!"

I wanted to say more. I wanted to tell her go for it and how proud I was about her but I remembered Tessa. I couldn't betray her like that. Troy and her were in a relationship and I had to respect that.

"You know it's true. You heard what Luke said."

"Are you really going to believe what comes out of Luke's mouth?"

"Touché." she said and we both laughed.

"Thank you." I said out of the blue.

"For what?" she looked at me confusedly.

"For just being an ear to listen and for supporting me."

"That's what friends are for. No need to thank me." she said.

It was right then and there I froze. Believe it or not no one has ever said something like that to me. I always thought friends don't say those stuff and it was only in made up books and movies but here I was. Just been told the words I'd never expected to hear.

"Isabella, are you okay?" Mia asked looking genuinely worried.

I open my mouth to reply but no audio came out.

"Isabella, please say something. You're acting as if you seen a ghost."

I gave her one of the few affections I knew how to show.

A hug.

She looked at me confused but hugged back me anyway.

This was the moment I knew that Mia wasn't going to be that friend that came and left. She was here to stay.

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