9| Lunch Table

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*Isabella's POV*

Waking up 10 minutes later than I was suppose I rushed out of bed to get ready for school. I had spent the whole of yesterday trying to finish the book Miles had lent me so I could return it back to him in class.

After nearly missing a step on the stairs, I hurried to the kitchen where I saw a rare sight before me. It was my mom and dad together at the same time. I couldn't help but freeze.

"Good morning Bella, what's wrong?" my mom asked while taking a sip of her tea.

"You're going to miss the bus." my dad added as he stared at his computer, not even taking a glimpse at me.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

They both looked at each other in sync then turned their gaze to me.

"What do you mean? We live here Bella." my mom said as she stood up and walked to the fridge.

"Here, I made you a sandwich. You can eat that for breakfast and dad will give you money for lunch."

Standing up my dad took out his wallet and handed me fifty dollars.

"Have a good day at school Bella." he said before giving me a forehead kiss then heading upstairs.

Something was definitely up.

Or they are just being good parents?

"Bella let me give you a ride because there's no way you'll reach in time if you take the bus." my mom said while grabbing her keys.

I agreed as I followed behind her.


Thanks to mom's generous behavior this morning, I'd managed to reach to school 5 minutes before the bell.

I went to my first 2 classes but Miles didn't show up due to their football obsessed coach convincing the teachers to let him borrow the players to make up for their missed practice on Friday.

As I headed to my locker to get some more books for my class after lunch, I spotted Tessa walking up to me.

"What happened to you this whole weekend?" she asked, not evening greeting me.

"I told you I got stuck at my grandma's." I said trying to avoid all eye contact.

"That's bull and you know it. You couldn't have been stuck at your grandma's for the whole weekend because your mom said that your grandmother is dead." she confronted.


"You called my mom?"

"That's not the point Isabella. If you have a problem with me, just say that. We can work it out. We shouldn't have any secrets."

"No, it has nothing to do with you. I wasn't in the talking mood and I didn't want you to think it was because of you so I lied. I'm sorry."

A lie on top of another lie.

"It's okay Issy just don't do it again." she said giving off one of her contagious smiles. "Please come and have lunch with me and the others today. I haven't gotten to see Troy today and I have to give Amanda my part of an assignment."

I gave her an unsure look. The others and I weren't exactly best of friends.

"You'll be fine, you know me and you know Miles. The others aren't bad. Trust me you're coming."

Without even allowing me to answer, she dragged me to buy our lunch then to the lunch table.

"Hey everyone I would like you all to officially meet my bestfriend Isabella. Please introduce yourselves." she instructed them all.

"You probably know already but I'm Troy, your best friend's husband." he said then gave Tessa a wink.

"Yo! I'm Johnathanius aka Johnathan aka John but all the ladies call me Jojo."

"No one calls that." Troy said as the group laughed as his remark.

I'd seen him with the group and always wondered how he got in. He wasn't on the football team. He looked far from athletic and he wasn't on any of Tessa's team. 

"I'm Amanda. Finally a third girl made it to the table. I'm tired of all these boys."

She was stunning. Blonde, petite and the most popular girl in school. As I said earlier, Miles had a cliché friend group.

"Hi, I'm Luke and you look like you have cute all over your face." he said before giving me a wink.

That was the worst pick up line ever. He was definitely the flirt of the group.

Last but not least there was Miles. He hadn't even lifted up his head from since I arrived. Was he still mad from our little disagreement on Saturday?

"Miles, don't be rude man say hi to the girl." Troy said while giving him a playful punch.

He then turned to face Troy, then me, then finally stared at Tessa. Everyone looked at Miles just as confused as I did.

"I think I'm going to get something to drink."
He got up and walked away.

Everyone stayed silent for a while before Troy broke the awkwardness.

"Excuse Miles, coach woke up on the wrong side of the bed today and decided to give Miles a rough time. By tomorrow they both would be kissing each other's butts." he said and everyone laughed.

I could tell he was the joker of the friend group. I felt kind of bad for judging them. They actually seemed like nice people.

I ate silently as Tessa discussed her work with Tessa. Troy dropped a few jokes now and then and Miles came back.

"Hey Miles can you lend me your pen." Tessa asked. That's weird because Tessa has a pencil case full of pens.

Everyone watched as Miles gave her an angry glare. I could tell something was up between them and I'm sure the others thought the same but what was it?

"Babe your bestfriend is being rude again." she whined to Troy.

This wasn't my bestfriend. She acted like a completely different person. Maybe they brought out the cheer captain in her while I brought out the robotics captain in her.

"Miles, I know coach pissed you off a little but you don't have to take your anger out on my girl." Troy said in the nicest way possible.

Miles stared at Troy for a while but he eventually he gave Tessa a pen from his bag.

"Thanks Miles you're the best." Tessa said while giving him one of her popular smiles.

Remembering I still had the book Miles allowed me to borrow, I opened my bag and handed it to him.


He froze, his face almost looked pale. Everyone looked at us puzzled.

"What's that?" Tessa asked giving off an angry vibe.

"Miles let-"

Before I could finish, Miles interrupted.

"It's my mom's. I'll let her know that you said thanks." he said as he rushed to put it in his bag.

Everyone seemed to believe him since they nodded their heads and went back to what they were doing.

The bell rang a couple of minutes later and we all went to our respective classes.

Miles ApartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon