17|Free Period

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*Isabella's POV*

I hurried down the stairs and into the kitchen. I had woken up late and only had 10 minutes to reach to school.

"Mom can you please give me a ride?" I begged as I quickly made a sandwich.

"I can't honey I have a meeting online in 5 minutes. Ask your dad." she said as she tried to put in her earring.

I turned to my dad, knowing that he had heard us.

"Fine, but this is the last time." he said as he got up and picked up his keys.

"Thanks dad."

We got into the car and dad started driving.

"Why don't you just get your driver's license. I'm buying a new car next month so you could simply take this." my dad tried to convince me.


Nothing other than fear was keeping me back from taking the test. It would be way better for me. I wouldn't have to take the bus anymore or rely on mom, dad, Tessa or Miles to take me places.

My dad nodded with a pleased look on his face and continued driving.

I reached 10 minutes after the bell because of the usual heavy morning traffic. I headed to the office to get a late slip then went to Chemistry class.

I knocked on the door and waited for Mrs. Dumont to acknowledge me. The whole class was staring at me and that only made my heart race more. This was my first time being late to any class.

"Wow, it seems like all my students just want to show up anytime they want. Do you know what time it is Ms. Jones?" she asked as she looked at her watch.

I stood silently already feeling embarrassed as it is.

"If you have a pass you may enter." she said after letting out a long sigh.

I gave her the pass and quietly walked to my seat.

When I sat down I saw Miles give me a sympathetic look then returned his attention by to the babbling Mrs. Dumont.

I couldn't help but look at him. He had kissed me Saturday night then ignored me for the whole of yesterday. I kept checking my phone to see if he had sent an explanation or even to see if I was okay but I got nothing. I was confused.

"Ms. Jones, are you going to continue giving your attention to Mr. Norman or me?" Mrs. Dumont asked. I was tired of her.

Nonetheless I turned my eyes to her and pretended to listen for the rest of the class.

"Okay class you may leave." she finally said.

I turned to Miles to get this attention but just when I was going to speak, I was interrupted.

"Yo Miles, the coach needs you ASAP!" a boy shouted across the classroom.

He nodded to the boy and turned to me.

"See you later." he told me with a smile as he ran out.

I sighed and rested my head on the desk.

All the seniors had free time for the next three periods to 'study'. Another brilliant idea suggested by Mrs. Dumont.

"Are you okay?" I heard a voice ask. When I looked up it was Mia.

We hadn't talked since the Luke incident.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said but if I was being honest I would say I'm not because I'm confused on what Miles and I are but I can't just tell her that.

"I was going to the library and I was wondering if," she said looking a bit nervous. "you wanted to come?"

A smiled immediately appeared on my face and changed my mood.

"Sure." I got up and packed my things.

We walked into the hallway and headed in the direction of the library.

"I was a bit surprise that you agreed to come with me." she said trying to make conversation.

"Why wouldn't I?"

Before she could answer, Tessa interrupted.

"Go away freak." she said to Mia.

"Tessa don't be rude." I said to her standing up for Mia. Tessa looked completely unaffected by my words and stared at me.

"It's fine, I'll go. If you need me you know where to find me." Mia said as she walked away. I felt terrible.

"What was that Tessa?" I asked angrily.

"She's a dork and I can't let my bestfriend hang out with dorks."

I stayed quiet because Mia and I were in the same social group so basically she just indirectly called me a dork.

"Anyways the gang is under the tree and I want you to come."

"I don't know Tessa. I was kind of going to stay in the library with Mia." I said.

"Didn't you just hear me? No more Mia. Now let's go." she said as she held my hand and dragged me to the tree.

"Hey guys!" Tessa said as she greeted everyone then sat by Troy.

"Hi everyone." I said nervously as I sat away from everyone.

Troy, John, Luke, Amanda and Miles were all there.

"What you doing all the way over there Isabella? There is a space next to Miles." Troy said.

Thanks Troy.

"I don't think Isabella would want to invade Miles' personal space." Tessa spoke out.

"No, it's fine." Miles said as he patted the space next to him indicating for me to come next to him.

I got up and sat next to him and everyone continued what they were doing.

"We should talk about what happened on Saturday." I began but before I could continue he place his index finger on my lips.

"Not a good time. We can talk about that another time." he whispered as he removed his finger from my lip.

I hated that about Miles. He tries to put off everything and act like everything's normal. I stayed silent because I didn't want to cause an argument in front of the group.

"I finished the book. It was good. I loved the main male character. He reminds me of myself." Miles said as he touched his chest.

"You finished it already? It took me weeks to finish it the first time I read it." I said ignoring his last sentence.

He smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

"What are you two talking about?" Tessa asked curiously.

"Oh stay out of it Tessa." Amanda said.

"Yeah let them talk. They look kind of cute." Luke said as he gave me a smirk.

I turned to Miles. He kept quiet and he had a small smile on his face while writing down notes from his textbook.

I turned to Tessa and she looked furious. Had Amanda's comment affected her that much?

After our free periods ended we all went to our various classes.

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