4|You're late

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*Isabella's POV*

I turn and saw Tessa peacefully sleeping next to me. I pick up my phone to check the time and see it's passed 5. My mouth dropped. I immediately got up and woke Tessa.

She drove a little too fast for my liking but I tried not to say anything since it would get me there sooner. The drive was practically silent other than the music playing from her playlist.

"We're here. Don't forget the tips I gave you the other day. You've already managed to break the first so try not to do the second. My dad gave me a curfew at 7pm since he's paranoid I'll be with Troy so you'll have to find a ride back home. I'm sorry Issy but I have to go." she said then speeded off.

Standing in front of me was a large, white, two-story modern house. Surrounded by large pine trees and a beautiful garden with a sculpture in the center.

Gathering the courage I walked up to the door and knocked three times. No reply.

I waited a bit more then tried again.

"I said I was com-" Miles said as his eyes fell on me.

His blank stare and silence caused me to look down in shame.

"You're late." he said nonchalantly.

"I'm sor-"

Before I could finish my sentence, Miles had turned away and started walking.

Standing at the door while watching as he walked away I noticed that he was shirtless with a towel wrapped around his waistline. His hair was all wet and messy. It dripped all over the floor.

It had been clear that he just came out of the shower.

"Are you going to come in or continue checking me out?" he asked with an emotionless expression on his face.

"I-I wasn't checking you-"

"Whatever nerd just hurry up and come inside before the anymore of the air gets out. Wait in the dining room I'll be back." he ended while walking up the stairs.

I shut the door behind me and found my way to the dining room cursing under my breath. I wasn't checking him out. He didn't even allow me to even explain myself.

Checking my phone, I see that it is now 6:30pm and Miles still hadn't been back yet.

I looked in front of me and saw the book The Hate U Give. Without resisting the urge, I quickly picked it up and started reading it.

I've been trying to get one for so long. The local library didn't have it but the local book store did. The problem was that they were charging it for $500 and there's no way I'm spending that kind of cash on a book.

"What are you doing?" Miles asked has he leaned back on the doorframe with his arms folded with that same expressionless face from earlier. He had on a graphic hoodie with some sweatpants.

Feeling a little sheepish about being caught, I closed the book and lowered it back where I found it.


He rolled his eyes then walked over to the table.

After being seated, he let out a small sigh then turn to me.

"Look nerd, I'm going to be honest with you. I don't want you here and I'm sure you don't want to be here either. And this," he gestured back and fourth between me and him. "will never be a friendship or whatever you want to think it may be so let's just skip the awkwardness and go straight to the work so you can get out of my house." he concluded.

Although thinking the same thing, I felt hurt by his harsh words. Nevertheless I nodded and we started our assignment.

After an hour we were finally finished our assignment.

"Leave, you know where the door is." Miles coldly said as he walked up the stairs to go to what I suppose his room.

I'd heard he was a little harsh but I didn't expect him to be downright rude.

I picked up my phone to call Tessa but I remembered her words from earlier. Mom and dad were out the picture as well and there was no way I could walk home since I lived 10 miles away.

That means I would have to ask Miles for ride.

I hesitated for a while but I realized I had no other choice.

My heart raced as I climbed the stairs to go to the second floor. Now that I'd finally reached to the top I was met with a hall way of doors.

I heard loud bass music coming from the third door on the right.

I softly knocked three times on his door. Maybe knocking softly wasn't the best idea. I knocked three more times but much more louder.

"What?" he shouted while opening his door. His eyes widened when he saw me. "What are you still doing here? I thought I told you to leave."

"I need a ride."

"No." he answered without even giving it a thought about it.

"What, why?" without thinking, the words quickly escaped from my mouth.

"Go home the same way you came." he said as he held his door the push it in but was stopped.

"Milestone Anderson Norman apologize to that girl right now and tell her you'll be glad to give her a ride or else I will take away your car keys. I didn't raise you like that and you know it."


In sync we both turned our attention to the middle aged lady standing by the top of the stairs.

"Mom." Miles said looking just as surprised as me.

Ignoring him, she walked over to me and stretched out her hand.

"I'm sorry, where is my manners. Hello I'm Mrs. Norman, Miles' mom."

After being hesitant for a while I returned the gesture. "Isabella."


He handed me his phone.

"Put in your address."

Without hesitation I took his phone and typed in my address.

Miles was driving 80 on a 60. He was overtaking cars as he went along. I was convinced he was trying to get us both killed with his reckless driving. Shallowing a lump down my throat I finally spoke up.

"Please slow down, you're going way too fast."

He continued at the same speed.

After that, I looked outside my window and the rest of the ride was silent except for the times the navigator gave the directions.

He parked in front my driveway and waited for me to get out.

"Thanks for the ride." I said and waited for him to reply but he didn't.

"You could at-lease try to be nice." I said as I looked at me.

He turned to me with a raised eyebrow.

"You done yet?"

I could start to feel my teeth clench together. It was rage, rage was growing inside of me and it was growing fast.

Was it that hard to be nice to me?

I picked up my bag and came out his car, slamming it shut. As soon as I did he drove off.

When I got inside the house, dad was asleep on the couch, probably knocked out from his long day of surgery and mom still wasn't home as yet.

I headed straight to my room and faceplanted into my head.

Cold. Those are the only words I could describe Miles with.

Was this how my senior year was going to be? With a cold hearted work partner, barely getting to see my parents and not being able to spend much time with my only friend due to her paranoid father? I let out a sigh and read a book until I retired for the night.

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